Depends on the bread, and very much depends on the time of year, as to whether it gets put in the fridge here.
Refrigerating bread will actually make it go stale faster, and in cooler weather, I usually will eat a loaf of bread before it would mold, but after 4 days, I'll put the small amount left in the fridge, and usually use it toasted. But in the summer, I almost always put it in the fridge later on the 2nd day after baking, when I might have about a third of a loaf remaining, and it would probably get moldy.
As for freezing bread, I usually bake 2, sometimes 3 loaves, of rye bread, and freeze all but one of the loaves as soon as it is totally cooled. And think of it this way - the more fat a bread has in it, the longer it will keep, in the freezer, at room temperature, or refrigerated! Sweet breads are the longest keepers (but probably not on the kitchen counter!

), with all the eggs, fat, and sugar, and simple breads like French bread, with just flour, yeast, salt, and water, are the fastest to go stale, and even in the freezer, doesn't keep well much over a month.