Sieve nor Cheese Cloth??

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Senior Cook
Jun 23, 2020
Is there anything between a Sieve and Cheese Cloth that filters solids out really well but isn't as tedious as cheese cloth? Namely to mostly keep finely ground seasonings from getting through?
A tamis is a very fine sieve, you could try that. Here's an example:

I use a clean tea towel. Andy buys men's white, cotton hankies specifically to use for filtering. Both are washable, so reusable, unlike cheese cloth.
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Since our coffee maker has a permanent filter, we no longer need paper filters, so I switched to these nut milk straining bags for that purpose. They're reusable and have a very fine mesh. Available on Amazon, at Target and other such places.
I use 4 sieves and cheese cloth for different things.
For making soy milk I've used cheese cloth but as mentioned above a nut bag is faster, easier, and easier to clean.
The sieves are good for draining beans, small amounts of rice, and often winnowing seeds depending on the mesh size.

The one I bought is a nylon or fabric with 200 micron sized holes. Nutbags can be found with different sized holes so much finer or much larger. 200 micron is not very small holes, they let the perfect amount through for my soy milk.

A coffee filter is great to not let any tiny particles suspended in solution through.

In between the 200 micron bags and the coffee filter, you could try,aps,1207&sr=8-4&th=1
3 Pcs Nut Milk Bags, 150/75/48 Micron Reusable Nylon Food Strainers Bags Multi-use Food Grade Soy Milk Filter Bags, Yogurt Milk Wine Brew Coffee Filters Bag Strainers Filtration (6"x8")

This will give you three grades of filtering.
Can you find those seasonings in whole form? just smash or crunch instead of grind.

You could also perhaps put them in a tea infuser and wrap that in cheesecloth. You then suspend it over a glass to drain and later add the liquid back into the ....

Leaves you free to get on with other stuffs.
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