Signature Font Size

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Master Chef
Aug 20, 2021
Somewhere in the PNW
For some reason, I can't seem to find a way to make the font larger in my Signature. I highlight the text (just like I do for color and bold, etc) and then hit the re-sizer, it looks like it has changed, but when I check a post, if remains the same, small 10 pt size. Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks, but no. It is the same. :cry:
Go to your account settings and select "Signature". In the signature field there are text enhancements identical to your posts.
Bold - Italic - Font size are on the left at the top of the field.
Thanks @Roll_Bones, but I don't have a problem finding the Signature editing page. My problem is getting the signature to go to a larger font. That said, it DID go to 12 pt now, but no larger. I think 12 pt is much better though! The 10 pt is just tiny on my screen.
Thanks @Roll_Bones, but I don't have a problem finding the Signature editing page. My problem is getting the signature to go to a larger font. That said, it DID go to 12 pt now, but no larger. I think 12 pt is much better though! The 10 pt is just tiny on my screen.
I guess the controls limit font size? It does make sense if you look at it where someone could make their font so big it would take up most of the post or page.
Maybe we need to ask them to allow larger fonts. Change the maximum setting to a larger font?
@Cooking Goddess
Didn’t work and now I don’t see any signatures for.
Go to "Account Details" Above on the right side where your name is. Then select "Preferences". Then "Content Options". Make sure the box is checked "Show peoples signature". I hope that will fix it for you.
Why is there even an option to change the font size of the signature. This possible maximum is about as small as I can easily read on my laptop. Any smaller and I have to concentrate on the signature to read it.
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