Simplified Vodka-Less Spaghetti in Meat Sauce

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Assistant Cook
Nov 16, 2024
This recipe makes two large or four small servings

The traditional recipe calls for ¼ cup of Vodka which I leave out and is usually blended which I do not do. I use spaghetti noodles but you can use any pasta you like. Also the meat is optional and can be left out as it is cooked separately.



¼ cup butter

1 yellow onion fine diced

3 cloves garlic minced

Teapoon red pepper or to taste

Pinch of salt or to taste

6 Ounces Tomato paste

14.5 Ounce Can of diced tomatoes

2 ounces grated parmesan cheese

1 cup heavy cream

¼ Vodka (Optional)

meat (Optional)

1 pound 80/20 ground beef

1 white onion diced

1 bell pepper diced

1 jalapeno pepper diced

1 can black olives sliced

8 ounces of spaghetti noodles or your pasta of choice


Cook onion , garlic and red pepper in butter on medium heat for 10 minutes stirring often. add tomato paste and pinch of salt and cook three more minutes. Then add can of diced tomatoes with liquid and cook five more minutes. Then add parmesan cheese and stir in until melted. Put on low heat and add heavy cream and cook until hot. Add ¼ cup vodka or more if desired with the cream. This sauce is traditionally blended in a blender, but I skip this step. Set sauce aside covered.


Break up and cook ground beef, diced white onion, diced bell pepper, diced Jalapeno pepper 15 minutes on medium heat covered. Then further break up beef and cook on medium heat an additional five minutes. Drain the fat and return meat, onion, and peppers to pan. Add sliced black olives and salt and brown for 5 minutes. Add 1-1/2 cups of the sauce and cook until hot.


In boiling water cook 8 ounces of spaghetti noodles 12 minutes for dry pasta or Two minutes for fresh pasta.


Put a serving of noodles in a bowl. And add a serving of meat sauce.

Sounds very interesting.
I've always added the vodka to other recipes for Vodka Sauce. I find even though it cooks off it adds something to the flavour.
Even if I have the sauce the next day or so, I add just barely a Tbsp more of the vodka while reheating.
Sounds very interesting.
I've always added the vodka to other recipes for Vodka Sauce. I find even though it cooks off it adds something to the flavour.
Even if I have the sauce the next day or so, I add just barely a Tbsp more of the vodka while reheating.
There is a liquor store on my street. I tried the vodka sauce from my local grocery store and liked it. The main reason I did not use any when I made this recipe was it was cold and rainy and I don't drive and did not want to have to walk down the street in the rain to get vodka. Also, I don't drink alcohol so I did not have any on hand. When the weather clears, I will get some vodka and try it. My wife liked it fine with out it but it did taste different than the store bought vodka sauce. The reason I did not blend my sauce was I did not want to have to wash a blender. That is why I came up with this simplified version. I guess I am just lazy but I Like to simplify recipes when I can.
I usually use pancetta when making vodka sauce. Wouldn't use black olives or jalapeños though, but everyone has their own likes/tastes.
The point of adding alcohol to foods like tomatoes is because alcohol releases flavor compounds that water or oil can’t. Vodka and wine are added to tomato sauces at least partially.because it makes them taste more deeply tomato-ey. Wine also provides extra flavor of its own. Vodka is used because most people (not me) find it very neutral tasting.

Always add alcohol to tomatoes and not the other way around. You want the alcohol to work its magic. If it’s added first it will start to evaporate.
Vodka is used because most people (not me) find it very neutral tasting.

Always add alcohol to tomatoes and not the other way around. You want the alcohol to work its magic. If it’s added first it will start to evaporate.
I always felt vodka had a taste as well. I always know if there is vodka in a dish. Wonder if that's genetic like the cilantro soapy taste is?

We always add the vodka right at the end for a vodka sauce and only let it cook for a few minutes.
you adapt your cooking to suit your circumstances,
So do I in a lot of cases. I agree absolutely. You could call it a Shirley Temple Sauce if you want to... it's your recipe to call it what you want. :)
Edit to add...
Now use a Stick Blender. Can't remember last time I used my Blender. Stick Blender you use, walk to sink, dunk in soapy water or even just the running hot water into a coffee cup, etc. Give it a zap/pulse a couple of times. Clean.
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So do I in a lot of cases. I agree absolutely. You could call it a Shirley Temple Sauce if you want to... it's your recipe to call it what you want. :)
Edit to add...
Now use a Stick Blender. Can't remember last time I used my Blender. Stick Blender you use, walk to sink, dunk in soapy water or even just the running hot water into a coffee cup, etc. Give it a zap/pulse a couple of times. Clean.
Alternative solutions and outright mistakes are what challenges innovation and leads to breakthroughs and personal development, a pretty basic fundamental of human existence.

It always amazes me that when I put ingredients together that one would never expect to work when I sometimes get a result that just blows me away and only confirms I can't always think within that comfort zone where I feel the most confident for success, regardless of the times it actually blows up in my face and was a total waste of time, or a mistake in other words, lol.
So do I in a lot of cases. I agree absolutely. You could call it a Shirley Temple Sauce if you want to... it's your recipe to call it what you want. :)
Edit to add...
Now use a Stick Blender. Can't remember last time I used my Blender. Stick Blender you use, walk to sink, dunk in soapy water or even just the running hot water into a coffee cup, etc. Give it a zap/pulse a couple of times. Clean.
I really need a stick blender!
I really need a stick blender!
I love my Cuisinart immersion blender. I got the one that has a mini food processor attachment and a whisk attachment. And, I love using it on soup that should be pureed. No worry about hot soup exploding out of a blender. Just use it in the pot you cooked the soup in.
My Stick Blender is by Oster. I don't remember exactly what I paid but certainly not a lot. Probably mid-range to what you see on Amazon. Mine also has a whisk (don't think I've ever used it) A tall beaker, that is handy for me making crepes or shakes. A mini Food Chopper (food processor). I love it.
Really unless you really use it a lot your Stand Blender doesn't need to be replaced. The other, convenient as it is and as much as I love mine, is an extra. BUT... LOL - if your budget allows - go for it! You won't be sorry.

BTW - did you know your standard mason jar fits on the Stand Blender? Instead of blending/puréing in your large container, then having to transfer to a smaller jar, just do it right in the jar. Now you only have the blades to clean!
Really unless you really use it a lot your Stand Blender doesn't need to be replaced. The other, convenient as it is and as much as I love mine, is an extra. BUT... LOL - if your budget allows - go for it! You won't be sorry.
I am on at least my third immersion blender. I use them a lot. And mine does have the beaker. The whisk makes whipped cream very quickly. That's probably the only thing I use the whisk for. I have a stand blender from the 1980s. It has been years since I used it. The last 5 or 10 times I used it was for making sponge cake for my winter solstice trifle.
I'm amazed at what people put in the dish washer!
I put eating dishes, like plates and bowls, china serving dishes, glass/ceramic mixing bowls.
I once put a stainless steel pot in. Never again. I have since never put a pot, pan nor any other cooking utensil in.
cutlery - only table cutlery. Never a wooden one of any sort.
Never a colander, grater, etc.
Maybe the beaters of a mixer but not usually. They are in the sink being washed with other stuffs that don't go in. I've got soapy water already, why not use it?
I never put plastic things in either. From way back in the day when they warped from the heat. Understand they don't now-a-days but nope, still won't.
And I certainly wouldn't put something from my stick blender in, no whisk, blades - what-evers! Those little puppies need to turn at speed, not going to mess them up.
I'm amazed at what people put in the dish washer!
I put eating dishes, like plates and bowls, china serving dishes, glass/ceramic mixing bowls.
I once put a stainless steel pot in. Never again. I have since never put a pot, pan nor any other cooking utensil in.
cutlery - only table cutlery. Never a wooden one of any sort.
Never a colander, grater, etc.
Maybe the beaters of a mixer but not usually. They are in the sink being washed with other stuffs that don't go in. I've got soapy water already, why not use it?
I never put plastic things in either. From way back in the day when they warped from the heat. Understand they don't now-a-days but nope, still won't.
And I certainly wouldn't put something from my stick blender in, no whisk, blades - what-evers! Those little puppies need to turn at speed, not going to mess them up.
I put pretty much ALL that stuff in the DW with no ill effects. The DW uses water that's much hotter than the average person can stand. Occasionally something doesn't get completely clean so I address that. Saves a LOT of hot water and soap.
Well, to each his own. I've watched people rinse their dishes before going in the dishwasher. They use twice the water (hot or cold) than the average dishwasher or someone stand at the sink washing by hand. :oops: :oops:

I'm also old school - I use a tub. I do NOT run the water to wash, but I do admit I turn the tap on AND OFF to rinse now-a-days.
Just like we did when camping, in Guides, or at the cottage. If you've ever had a septic tank and/or when your water is metered.

Edit to say: I do know a dishwasher runs very hot and in itself conserves/uses less water - but the people rinsing? hmmmm :unsure:
and there goes common sense 101 right out the window.

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