Simplified Vodka-Less Spaghetti in Meat Sauce

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We used to rinse simply because dishes might sit for days before we ran out of dishes and/or the dishwasher was full. Food would dry and then not come off.
I did too when it was just me and my bro. But a rinse, not a scrub as I see people do. With family there was usually enough to run it at least every other day.
Two foods I made sure were off were egg and rice. They stuck! Big time!
Now I don't have a dishwasher (other than myself :mrgreen:) and yep, mine can accumulate. I've discovered the Dawn spray - great stuff! Spray the dishes and when later you get to them they literally just almost rinse clean! I rarely have to add any soap to the tub - well, maybe towards the end with some of the pots and pans.
It sounds tasty! Thank you for sharing your recipe!

How did it compare with when you added the alcohol?
The one that has alcohol was slightly better but the one without is so close to being just as good that I don't think it was worth the trouble to put alcohol in my opinion.
By slightly better, may I hazard a guess in that you found it "smoother" and/or more "full bodied". I know those words are weird but that is what I thought the first time I added some red wine to a spaghetti sauce. I could not figure out what it was that made it better. It just was!

Glad you tried it though. That's what it's all about. Try it and keep the ones you like, eh"
When I had a functioning dishwasher, I put the wooden utensils in it. They got a lot lighter in colour over time, but that was the only change.
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I put literally everything in the dishwasher except my Le Creuset ovens and my expensive knives. And good china and silver. And, obviously, thinks marked not dishwasher safe.

All of my All Clad stainless has gone into the dishwasher since day one. Nothing bad should happen to SS in a dishwasher.

Ive told you guys a million times ... my late mother put her vintage cast iron (from her mother) in the dishwasher once inawhile. Id never do that but Ive finally inhereted hers and they are slick like an 8 ball.
By slightly better, may I hazard a guess in that you found it "smoother" and/or more "full bodied". I know those words are weird but that is what I thought the first time I added some red wine to a spaghetti sauce. I could not figure out what it was that made it better. It just was!

Glad you tried it though. That's what it's all about. Try it and keep the ones you like, eh"
My Main reason for not using Vodka in my recipe is that 24 years ago I self medicated a severe mental illness with alcohol. I have been on proper medication since October of 2000 remaining sober from alcohol. I don't feel at risk of relapsing but to me it still has a stigma attached. The store bought sauce with vodka was smoother but I felt my recipe was good enough. I do have Everclear on hand at all times that we use as rubbing alcohol since it is the most pure alcohol you can buy. Also, I don't drive a car and although there is a liquor store on my street, the weather was bad when I was first making this recipe and I did not want to walk in the cold rain. I also realize there are alcoholics who might appreciate a non alcoholic recipe. I post my recipes on my YouTube channel and I am calling this one "Shirley Temple Spaghetti." I got the name from your comment. Thanks!
I've put wooden utensils in the DW. They do get lighter. I will give them a swipe of mineral oil from time to time. Oh...Jennyema reminded me: I do not put my cast iron in the dishwasher. It's also very slick.
When I got my first dishwasher, I put one of my enamelled cast iron pots in the dishwasher. It doesn't have enamel on the bottom. Before the door to the dishwasher was all the way open, I could already see the rust on the outside bottom of the pan. It wasn't even dry from the wash cycle yet.

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