Soup Season, anyone got any upcoming soup plans?

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I've been eating a lot of frozen leftovers, a lot of soups, the last few days, to make room for all those cookie logs, plus, keep those those ingredients away from the cookies (I've been eating them for breakfast and lunch sometimes, too!). One of the soups I found in the freezer was labeled "ham and Navy bean soup, 2 bowls", and another was a venison, mushroom, and barley soup, and today I have a quart of chili in there thawing. I got some mushrooms a few days ago, which I'll make some soup with, once I have all these cookie doughs made up.
Today turned out to be a big soup day. I had this hankering for green split pea soup so I started that and mr bliss wanted some soupy chili beans and ww macaroni. We made both, big batches, some for the freezer and some for the fridge.
Oh I love them both.
We used to can the split pea soup, maybe we'll do that again, then it's no preparations and just warming it up.
They were delicious.
I have the carcass of a Costco spit-rotissier-broiled chicken in the freezer.
it will be transmorficated into "I can't believe it!" chicken noodle soup.

slow extracted gelatin turned into "chicken noodle soup" is 'da bombe"
Legal Seafood chowder recipe. I add in some diced carrots simply because we like them.
Use Jasper White’s It’s better.

As you know I live in the writhing epicenter of all clam chowder and I’ve tried them all. I love clam and fish chowder.

Jasper was a fine dining cook — one of the finest ever in Boston — and the Legal guys were commercial kitchen people.
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Use Jasper White’s It’s better.

As you know I live in the writhing epicenter of all clam chowder and I’ve tried them all. I love clam and fish chowder.

Jasper was a fine dining cook — one of the finest ever in Boston — and the Legal guys were commercial kitchen people.
NOT for me!! I absolutely loathe canned clams.
Funny you should say that @Kathleen . Aside from Clam Chowder, I don't care for any soups (or stews) that contain fish or seafood. (blech 'n shudder)
No bouillabaisse? Or my Bayoubaisse?

After thinking about it, the above or a ramen bowl are the only soups i eat with seafood.

We're having the smoked turkey and wild rice soup for dinner tonight.
Nope, no bouillabaisse. Dad loved it - funny don't remember Mom ever making it. At a good* restaurant that was always Dad's choice or Vichyssoise, which I didn't dislike but was never my choice.

*good = generally speaking, back in the day, a restaurant that had linen tablecloths (white) and white linen napkins. ;)
I'm soaking some beans and using a derek sarno recipe. Veggie white bean soup tomorrow. Soak your 2 cups of beans, watch the video tomorrow.
I'm going to try something a little different tomorrow. Making tortellini and white bean soup with leeks. Won't be a creamy soup. Making it broth-based (chicken broth). Got the beans in a pot of water in the fridge to soak overnight. I don't have a recipe, just gonna wing it. I have a small bag of dried cheese tortellini I want to use up, some fresh leeks, 4 lbs of Great Northern beans (although I'm only using 8 ounces for the soup) and I may also go ahead and toss some chopped celery, including the leaves, into the soup as well.

I have some frozen shredded chicken I was thinking of using, but I think I'll just go vegetarian with this one.

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