Greg Who Cooks
Executive Chef
I don't get paid by BBB for this. I'm just enthusiastic.
Sous Vide starter kit includes 11 liter water oven + cook book + vacuum sealer (think Seal-a-Meal) plus some vacuum bags (at least mine had some bags -- you might wanna verify that) for $500 at Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Sign up with BBB's email list and you get a 20% off coupon via email. They give free shipping on items over ... I forgot how much but this qualifies.
$500 - 20% = $400. Probably have to add sales tax. I had mine shipped to my local store free. I doubt you'd ever find a store that actually stocks this item.
It comes so well packed that they could kick it off the UPS/FedEx truck at 40 mph as they pass your house with no harm. In fact I wondered why they packed it so well, but they did.
So with 9% sales tax and free shipping about $436... with the on-line 20% coupon.
I use mine every few weeks. I've never made better steaks. It works great on short ribs of beef too -- 3 days at 160 degrees........ I have yet to explore even a part of its full potential.
Best part: you cook in vacuum sealed pouches. Nothing leaks out. Only water touches the oven. When it cools you pour out the water, sponge the internal surface and dry it with a towel, and it's ready to use next time. A bit of advice, it's stainless steel. To preserve exterior appearance use a cleaner designed for stainless steel appliances.
Anyway I'm glad I got mine. Yes I use it only a couple times a month. It's nice to have there though.
By the way, you can take Trader Joe's cryovac rib-eye steaks right from the store into your Sous Vide, 122F for 4 hours for a perfect bit more rare than medium-rare, and sear it to any doneness you like: perfect steaks at almost no effort. I buy a half dozen steaks at a time and throw most of them i the freezer.
Anyway consider this a product review. It was well worth my $440 or so. Since then I've bought more vacuum bags and continuous rolls of "baggage" and used them for other purposes (sealing stuff before you freeze it). If you don't have a Seal-a-Meal you're missing something. Sous Vide makes a good sealer that comes with the "kit" above.
One thing. Do not lock the sealer when its stored. That flattens the seal and can lead to failure to suck a vacuum. Snap it closed when you are sealing, but leave the jaws loose when you store it.
I'm glad I treated myself to this cooking appliance luxury.
Sous Vide starter kit includes 11 liter water oven + cook book + vacuum sealer (think Seal-a-Meal) plus some vacuum bags (at least mine had some bags -- you might wanna verify that) for $500 at Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Sign up with BBB's email list and you get a 20% off coupon via email. They give free shipping on items over ... I forgot how much but this qualifies.
$500 - 20% = $400. Probably have to add sales tax. I had mine shipped to my local store free. I doubt you'd ever find a store that actually stocks this item.
It comes so well packed that they could kick it off the UPS/FedEx truck at 40 mph as they pass your house with no harm. In fact I wondered why they packed it so well, but they did.
So with 9% sales tax and free shipping about $436... with the on-line 20% coupon.
I use mine every few weeks. I've never made better steaks. It works great on short ribs of beef too -- 3 days at 160 degrees........ I have yet to explore even a part of its full potential.
Best part: you cook in vacuum sealed pouches. Nothing leaks out. Only water touches the oven. When it cools you pour out the water, sponge the internal surface and dry it with a towel, and it's ready to use next time. A bit of advice, it's stainless steel. To preserve exterior appearance use a cleaner designed for stainless steel appliances.
Anyway I'm glad I got mine. Yes I use it only a couple times a month. It's nice to have there though.
By the way, you can take Trader Joe's cryovac rib-eye steaks right from the store into your Sous Vide, 122F for 4 hours for a perfect bit more rare than medium-rare, and sear it to any doneness you like: perfect steaks at almost no effort. I buy a half dozen steaks at a time and throw most of them i the freezer.
Anyway consider this a product review. It was well worth my $440 or so. Since then I've bought more vacuum bags and continuous rolls of "baggage" and used them for other purposes (sealing stuff before you freeze it). If you don't have a Seal-a-Meal you're missing something. Sous Vide makes a good sealer that comes with the "kit" above.
One thing. Do not lock the sealer when its stored. That flattens the seal and can lead to failure to suck a vacuum. Snap it closed when you are sealing, but leave the jaws loose when you store it.
I'm glad I treated myself to this cooking appliance luxury.