SPAM is out of control. What can we do about it?

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Master Chef
Jan 19, 2017
Frisco, Texas
I checked in this morning, and there were 20 new posts since my last visit. 16 of them were SPAM. As a new low, we even had an erectile dysfunction post.

I know the staff here hates this stuff as much as I do, so I'm not pointing a finger at them. Does anyone have any ideas for how we can block at least most of this nonsense? I know it is impossible to block all of it... but 16 out of 20 is over-the-top.

I have no idea
I just try report them as much as I can.
But there gotta be a way as some sites are full of spam and others have hardly anything
Some sites use the askimet spam prevention tool. It's not 100%, but it does flag staff before they (possible spammer) can post. The mod or admin see a thread or post in the "Approval Queue".
It is here they can check IP address (how many), location, thread or post in question. The askimet tool flags registrants before the post or thread is allowed to be posted. It gets smarter, gathering information over time. This tool is what prompts the "Approval Queue" for mod or admin approval.
Another option is captcha and preregistering tools. They exist.
Since I cannot see the tools available here, I must assume they are not included for staff.
But be reassured, those that are mods/admins are doing the best they can with the tools they have.
Maybe we could block first posts with a link. Or require review of first posts prior to posting.
With the previous forum software, newbies weren't allowed to make a post with a link for some amount of time after they joined. I believe it was 24 hours. I only know this because, we used to get newbies asking about why they weren't allowed to post a link when they could see that other members had posted links.
With the previous forum software, newbies weren't allowed to make a post with a link for some amount of time after they joined. I believe it was 24 hours. I only know this because, we used to get newbies asking about why they weren't allowed to post a link when they could see that other members had posted links.
That's where I got the idea.
With the previous forum software, newbies weren't allowed to make a post with a link for some amount of time after they joined. I believe it was 24 hours. I only know this because, we used to get newbies asking about why they weren't allowed to post a link when they could see that other members had posted links.

That is common with forums I've been part of. You could post, but no photos or links until the mods approved your member status.

I just spend a few minutes (sometimes more, lately!) reporting the bot-generated garbage and adding the “reported” tag.
Sometimes I wonder if the mods get tired of seeing my many reports, but I think it’s just me being very invested in this, my very favourite site. I think we should try to keep it safe from these annoying cyber attacks.
I wonder if we fight back for long enough, maybe the spam bots will move on to another site?
ahhh, I wish that were true Jade, but a bot is an electronic program and doesn't understand "tired". No, you are not the only one, many have reported many. Just want to thank you for your patience and understanding.

If you look up into the sky on a cloudless night you should be able to see our very own personal bots fighting AI bots in an epic galactic war.
Maybe we could block first posts with a link. Or require review of first posts prior to posting.

Maybe not the posts, but any posts with a photo or link. Make new members post some quality posts before they can add links. I would imagine that most spammers would not make that effort, and Spambots wouldn't be able to (yet).


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