SPAM Quiche

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Master Chef
Jan 19, 2017
Frisco, Texas




1 - 12OZ Can of SPAM ( used reduced sodium SPAM)
5 - large eggs
1 - cup Heavy Cream
1 1/2 - cup Mexican Blend Cheese
1/2 - Large Yellow Onion, diced
1/2 - Bell Pepper, diced
3 - Cloves Garlic, minced
1 - Single-crust Pie Crust (refrigerated or frozen)
Avocado Oil (or olive oil)


Mise en Place -- crank eggs into a mixing bowl and whisk until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to your liking. Dice onions and bell peppers. Dice SPAM.

In a large skillet lubricated with Avocado fry your diced onions. Add minced garlic in the last 30 seconds. Remove and set aside to cool.

In the same skillet, brown your diced SPAM until GB&D. Put aside to cool off.

Prepare your pie dough, lay it into your pie plate, and blind bake your crust. If you don't know how to do that, I'm sure there is a tread or six on the forum, or look to YouTube for a video.

When your crust is ready, mix your veggies, cheese and SPAM into the eggs, mixing throughly to disperse everything evenly. Pour mixture into your pie crust. Bake at 400F until the top is a nice golden brown, and you can poke a wooden toothpick into the center, feel some resistance, and have it pull out clean.

Let it rest at least 15 minutes. It can also be saved room temperature (my favorite), or even cold.

No offense - but I think I would exchange the sp for an h. :mrgreen:

I made it for a SPAM recipe contest. I think I got an honorable mention, but I didn't win. But, it was good. I did brown the spam cubes first, but like I mentioned, would make a smaller dice next time.

There was always a can of Corned Beef in the cupboard - would fight my brother for the key. I think, but not sure, mom probably also had Spam or something like that kept in the cupboard. She made a wonderful hash. Usually with leftover Roast Beef but also with the Corned Beef. Too salty on their own but when mashed up and mixed with mashed potatoes, onions and all fried up crunchy and soft at the same time - Wonderful!
I've tried an many occasions to duplicate hers - never could, mine was awful. Finally stopped trying. :(
There was always a can of Corned Beef in the cupboard - would fight my brother for the key. I think, but not sure, mom probably also had Spam or something like that kept in the cupboard. She made a wonderful hash. Usually with leftover Roast Beef but also with the Corned Beef. Too salty on their own but when mashed up and mixed with mashed potatoes, onions and all fried up crunchy and soft at the same time - Wonderful!
I've tried an many occasions to duplicate hers - never could, mine was awful. Finally stopped trying. :(
My mom used to make corned beef hash on occasion. Probably roast beef, too. I don't recall exactly, since I was a kid. But I definitely remember the corned beef version.

And don't feel bad about not being able to properly make it. Neither can I. I've tried. I gave up too :ROFLMAO:
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