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DampCharcoal said:
Middie, you're in an extremely unique position! I'm doing the No Snow Dance right now! :D
okay try this again... what i was going to say was damp that dance doesn't work. i've been doing it since november :mad:
Found a dead body in my front yard when the snow melted this weekend. It was a very traumatic event. Ughhhh!However I discovered that it was a freshly froxen squirrel and made a stew with it.
lol bang!

i still have a picture in my mind from when i was about 4 years old of my dad hacking a dead frozen stray cat away from our fence, then carrying the stiff thing over to the garbage cans. he went out to do it in the middle of a very cold night; i guess he didn't wnt us poking at it the next day.
Yes, Spring is just around the corner for you all. Its the start of Autumn here, and the nights have been very chilly. Our summer months are officially Dec, Jan and Feb, but we can have a few hot days through to April.

*Sigh, seems we look forward to summer for 9 months of the year, then before you know it, its gone:-( On the otherhand, we dont have snow here, so I guess you all deserve a good thaw-out. Enjoy!

Even with all the rain, we;ve had enough sunshine that for Easter my white and my lavender lilacs were in full bloom..Emmmmm:clap:
I planted all kinds of seeds Friday & got my first sunburn of the season!! The only thing I noticed blooming right now are my bleeding hearts.
Yesterday was the first signs of spring we have just noticed. Before headign out the door fer a walk there was a mosquito doing his little dance outside my kitchen window, was hoping the bird would eat him but he didnt. Then on our walk we found ants..and lots of them. Afterwards we came upon *****willows! We usually too late to get any......ahhhh Sring time!!!
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