state to state and international rates

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Executive Chef
Aug 26, 2004
I've used 10-10-220 to dial long distance state to state, and 10-10-811 for international calls. Im not pleased with either of these anymore. Does any one here have other suggestions for inexpensive long distance carriers? I dont want to pay a montly fee, other than to pay for the time I use on the phone, I dont want a contract. Currently 10-10-220 offers .99 per minute for the first fifteen minutes, but then charges .15 per minute there after which is outrageous. Also, if you make a call under their plan, and an answering machine answers you still get charged .99, which adds up!

Anyone have a better idea for cheap rates?
how about using a calling card? that is commitment-free, and you can add minutes as needed to At&T-issue ones. you can get them through the phone co. or get incremental ones in stores.
I have used ZoneLD ( ) for a few years now. I pay 4 cents a minute to the 5 states I call most and 4.5 cents to the others. They have low international rates too.

:) Barbara
I have a cell phone, not tethered to the wall. I am with AT&T now Cingular and I have free long distance in continental US, Alaska and Hawaii, and unlimited night and week-end minutes. There is a flat monthly fee, but it ends up that I am paying between 1-1/2 to 2 cents per minute for the calls I make depending on how many minutes I use during the month. Last month my bill was $48 and I used 4300 minutes. It is the hidden, government fees and charges added on each monthy that really rile me, they add up to nearly $5 and it is the government who has this hidden tax to us and it does not go to the phone company.
Check out your local carrier. I've used SBC as my local carrier ever since it was SouthWestern Bell (back in OK). They merged to form
SBC in 2000, and SBC seems to be everywhere these days. I know they offer LD services, with no monthly fee, and it runs around 5 cents/minute. It's added onto your local phone bill.

I used to hate subscribing to AT&T LD, as I hardly ever make LD phone calls (I communicate with my family via the internet), and didn't like having to cough up $9.50/month just to have the service, and not even use it.
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