Sunday evening meal 2024 December 08

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I roasted some chicken legs on top of some veggies and mushrooms. The veg were carrots, rutabuggers, celery ribs, celeriac, and fartichokes. I ate both drumsticks and saved the thighs for another dish. I enjoyed that enough that I stuffed myself.

2024-12-08 Roasted chicken drumsticks, veggies, and mushrooms.jpg
Dug thru the freezer. Hauled out a packet of Beef Meatballs, small bag of spaghetti sauce, packet of Mushroom Ravioli.
Baked the meatballs in the toaster oven, defrosted the sauce in the microwave, reset the thrown breaker because I forgot and had them both going at the same time, boiled up the Ravioli. It was a meal, nothing to write home about but filled the tummy.
Dug thru the freezer. Hauled out a packet of Beef Meatballs, small bag of spaghetti sauce, packet of Mushroom Ravioli.
Baked the meatballs in the toaster oven, defrosted the sauce in the microwave, reset the thrown breaker because I forgot and had them both going at the same time, boiled up the Ravioli. It was a meal, nothing to write home about but filled the tummy.
That used to happen here before we had the breaker panel replaced. It was a three way problem. The toaster would do that with either of the other two too.
Nah, @taxlady the problem is that when they converted the basement for my apartment, originally there was not going to be a kitchen. As life went on I was using more and more appliances.
Nah, @taxlady the problem is that when they converted the basement for my apartment, originally there was not going to be a kitchen. As life went on I was using more and more appliances.
Well, it's not an identical problem, but similar. My house was built in the early 1970s. Kitchens didn't have nearly as many appliances back then, so it was also us using more appliances.
Yes, my first house (Beaconsfield) was built in 1959. I bought it 1969. By about 1970 we had to update the electrical panel.
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