Sunday January 12th, 2025

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Managed to do a lot of cooking - but now....
I'll be back to post some pics.

So other than toast with peanut butter and ginger marmalade this morning - all I've eaten is a Mushroom Casserole for One.
ate it while I prepared
the start of a cottage pie..
mashers on it tomorrow.
Pan Fried Pork Chops Tenderloins with Roasted apple and Fennel

Pans ready for tomorrow to fry the pork and boil the patates.
cause I'm now too pooped.

What's all on your plates tonight?
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Remind what those things stuck in the handle of the lid on a pot are and the reason for doing that, please.
It's play-offs....which is leading up to Frank's second Christmas (aka SuperBowl.) We had submarine sandwiches. His was an Italian cold-cut and mine was Italian sausage with peppers. Speaking of peppers, we had leftover pulled pork for lunch. Open-faced with my home-canned pickled peppers.

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Tostadas and a half glass of wine. It's been freezing here and the only other thing I have to drink besides apple cider is ice cold water. Hence the wine. That was the last of it, though, and that's a good thing. It's going to be freezing for the next two weeks and I don't need to make this a habit.
I tried another dish with tempeh. I I used a Blue Dragon Chili coconut stir fry sauce and also added veggies. I had brown basmati rice with it. I have used this sauce before and like it. The veggies were delicious, the tempeh, not so much. In fact, I disliked it enough that I threw out over half the tempeh on my plate. It was not bland. Bland would have been better. Well, I guess I better get someone's tried an true recipe that uses tempeh. I had a banana and a tangerine for dessert.

2025-01-12 Chili coconut stir fry mix with tempeh, veg, and brown basmati rice.jpg
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