Sunday night supper, 2025 January 5

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
What did you have?

I made two new-to-me recipes. One is a butterflied pork tenderloin (I used half a tenderloin.) The other is mashed butter beans with herbs, artichoke hearts, and green beans. Neither was as good as I hoped, but they are both still good enough to make again. The pork tenderloin recipe has directions for grilling and for pan frying. The butter bean mash seemed a bit boring, but I kept eating more, so I must like it. I just have to figure out how to give it some oomph. I totally pooped myself out, so I had to sit and rest. The meat got a bit overcooked while I was resting. Yes, I had turned off the heat, but it was in a cast iron pot and on an electric stove, so the heat didn't stop immediately, even without any power to the burner. I have two servings of the butter bean mash left and one of the pork tenderloin.

2025-01-05 butterflied pork tenderloin and butter bean mash with artichoke hearts and green be...jpg
@dragnlaw Google translate did a great job of translating the recipe for the butterflied pork tenderloin. Danish doesn't have a special word for butterflying. They just call it "split". I linked the translation. It should open Danish and quickly switch to English. That's probably why the link preview is in Danish.

If you page down far enough you get to this part of the tips,

Pan-fried split pork tenderloin​

The split pork tenderloin is perfect for the grill, but if you don't have a grill, you can still cook it.

Here, the tenderloin is fried on a hot pan, and the frying time is still about eight minutes in total.
Thanks taxy, got it!

p.s. to add, I must admit I'm always satisfied with Google translate when I come across unknow words and languages.
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