Supper tonight - 1-18-2025

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we have this quite often ,we love it anytime of year , its as simple as fried chicken with a pot of beans ( i like pinto beans but to wife likes red beans better ) cook em until they thicken and tender and spoon them over white rice . we season the beans with a Cajon seasoning to taste

Cottage Pie
Dinner Hash-sweet potatoes, potatoes, onions, red and green peppers, baked to a slight brown, served with ketchup. I make 2 large pans (1/2 sheet pans) full and not once have we ever not eaten all of it that day and the leftovers that followed.
We had refrigerator surprise. Frank foraged and found a leftover sub, some salsa, and made a salad. I found a pork chop (eaten cold with my fingers), some salsa and chips, and some green beans with potatoes and cornbread. Football playoffs, you know.

I grazed today, as the weather began its decline into tomorrow's bitter cold. The wind shifted from the South to the North, and is gusty. It's 38F now, with a wind chill of 24F. Time to make some soups.

KC won today, as expected. I hope Detroit wins tonight. They are the only NFL team that has never been to a Super Bowl.

Don't have much interest in Rams and Eagles game. I'm for anyone who plays the Ratbirds, so I'll be a big Bills fan tomorrow.

I grazed today, as the weather began its decline into tomorrow's bitter cold. The wind shifted from the South to the North, and is gusty. It's 38F now, with a wind chill of 24F. Time to make some soups.

KC won today, as expected. I hope Detroit wins tonight. They are the only NFL team that has never been to a Super Bowl.

Soup may be on the menu tomorrow here as well. And I would love to see the Lions in the super Bowl. I also hoped that they might face the Texans who had also never gone to the Super Bowl. Not in the playoffs, the Browns and the Jaguars have never played in the SB either. It would have been great to see two who had never been playing this year.

I will cheer for any team playing the Ravens. My most disliked team in the NFL.
as to the weather its now 2 degrees and falling , the snow stopped a couple of hours ago but will be more tomorrow , have fun watching the football games , i'm 68 and have never watched a football game in my life
as much as i would like to there are just to many "chefs" out there that would try to tell me how to do it differently and all i could say is that you can't argue with success and walk away
as much as i would like to there are just to many "chefs" out there that would try to tell me how to do it differently and all i could say is that you can't argue with success and walk away
PM me the recipe. LOL
really this is just something i have zero desire to get into arguments about, thus i must remain silent on the recipe.
sorry folks i hope you can understand
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