Teen Cook with 7+ years cooking experience saying HELLO!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Assistant Cook
Feb 23, 2013
Hello everyone!

I found this forum and it looks like a great place to be :chef:

When I grew up at home my mom was never a great cook (no offense mom). However, when I turned 12 that little problem became an oppertunity...

She offered me to cook a meal for the entire family for 5 €! At that time that was A LOT of money to me. So thats how I started cooking. Ever since she has offered 5 bucks to me and my siblings in return for cooking a meal every couple days.

Up until recently I made use of that opportunity every time I could. I can tell you, my cooking skills have progressed quite well in the past 7 years (especially when thinking back to all those first burned meals...).

Now, however, I have headed to college where I am no longer cooking for a whole family but rather for only myself. This has been quite a shift.

I'm getting used to it and I'm hoping to find and share all sorts of good cooking tips and recipes.

If you have any question just go ahead and ask :)
It is a challenge! I, too, started cooking in my early teens. For six. To this day, I have a hard time toning it down to two (and I've been cooking for one or two for four decades!). I still tend to cook for six. For many meals it isn't a big deal. I cook and freeze, plus I have some elderly disabled friend and just bring them dinner. But, making tasty, decently nutritious meals for one can be a real challenge. Feel free to ask us, we'll help as much as we can.
Howdy, nick. It is hard to cook for one or two. I spent the last 25 years working in restaurants and cooking for a family. I have collected many grand cooking vessels and still feel that I need to fill them up to look like those beautiful glossy pictures I see. Two little loin chops or a few cups of soup can look so whimpy, and somehow I can't stop at just peeling two potatoes. Sometimes I cook for three. Planing the leftovers for the next days lunch. You'll get used to it.
Or, you can cook larger amounts, charge your friends for meals. Put a little in your pocket. After all, you are in college so you could use the money for beer.:LOL:
Cooking for just one person is hard, I say get your self a girlfriend, at least then you will be cooking for two, and then you have kids and then ...
Well youo get the picture.

I'm joking of course. Welcome to DC. Great to have another personwith expirience.
Cooking for one isn't so bad as long as you know how to freeze things for future use and don't mind leftovers. ;)

Re-Heating is a skill unto itself.
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Hi, and welcome! I started cooking and baking at a young age too, only I didn't get paid to do it. Sounds nice!
Hope you have fun here!
Welcome to DC. I first started cooking at 19 when I moved out, it was a scary process. But now my fiance' says I cook better than anyone he has ever met :chef:
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