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I remember while in Germany my dad found this Scandinavian Cheese, he loved it! I don't remember the taste that much - but my sister referred to it as Naptha Soap - not only in looks but in taste. Would that have been brunost?
@taxlady has more experience with it.
It looks like naptha soap but I've never tasted naptha soap. I have some in the basement, but I've never licked it or bit into it.
I remember while in Germany my dad found this Scandinavian Cheese, he loved it! I don't remember the taste that much - but my sister referred to it as Naptha Soap - not only in looks but in taste. Would that have been brunost?
Maybe. I don't know what naptha soap tastes like, but this stuff is sweet and doesn't taste even vaguely of soap. Here's a picture; some is darker/browner:

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I think my sister was being a little factitious by saying it also tasted like Naptha soap. Although one often heard of threats to have a mouth washed out with soap it never happened in our family. LOL

Yes, thanks taxy, if I remember correctly it looked sort of like that. Maybe a little more translucent? (I know that's weird, but it's how I remember it from 60 odd years ago.)
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