The pork n beans weren't too bad.

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Assistant Cook
Dec 1, 2024
United States
I made a post on here asking for opinions on my pork n beans recipe. Heres the update, it was pretty good however I forgot to add my secret ingredient to my tomato sauce which was the sundried tomatoes so i bet it would probably taste better if I did. Also the bacon was not a bad ratio compared to the beans and they actually shredded up somewhat while making it. I used 2 packages of I think Jimmy Dean Bacon. and I scrapped the butter beans and only did navy beans. But yeah I'd love to have someone else give it a shot and see what you think. Heres the recipe again with what I recommend doing.

Pork n Beans


- 2 35oz cans of Italian style plum tomatoes

- 8oz sun dried tomatoes

- 4 vidalia onions (caramelized with merlot and butter added at the end) (the merlot and butter are optional)

- 1 to 1.5 Red La Rouge Pepper[4088] (Depending on Size)

- No Salt Chicken Bouillon

- Beef bone broth (Cows Feet and Marrow Bones)(Both are optional but recomended)

- Garlic Cloves

- Fresh Herbs (thyme, rosemary, oregano, sage) or Italian seasoning

- Garam Masala to your liking

- 1 Cup of Brown Sugar or to your liking

- Water

- Parmesan Rind (Optional)


- 2 Packages of Bacon

- 4 Cans of Navy Beans

- Cows Feet (Optional)


- Make things in advanced like I roasted the pepper and garlic, and caramelized the onions the day before and started cooking the cows feet the day before

- Lets the sauce reduce down before adding in the ingredients

Hope someone tries this it would be cool for someone to try this and hear their opinion on it.
This recipe sounds fantastic! I love the thought you’ve put into it, especially the caramelized onions with merlot and butter and the idea of using sun dried tomatoes for extra flavor. Switching to navy beans was a smart choice and the garam masala adds a unique twist I wouldn’t have expected but sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing all the tips too roasting the pepper and garlic ahead of time is such a great idea. I’m definitely tempted to try this and will let you know how it turns out!
Go for it lmk how it turns out. I like people trying my food.

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