Thinning out Cookbooks, Recipe stashes, Cooking Magazines,

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Browsing a magazine that was potentially going into the out box. I'll just put some sticky's on a couple I'd like to keep.
That's just 2 chapters - go 4 more to go.... awww what the heck - just throw it in the In Box!
Haha! You can just take a photo of each recipe you want to keep and have it in your phone. There are some recipe apps that will even transpose the picture into a standard format that you can edit and add your own photos to.
It’s a difficult task.

It took me several years to purge my collection and get down to a handful of old friends that I still read but rarely cook from.

It has been the same with all of my stuff.

Purge ‘til it hurts, wait a few months and do another purge ‘til it hurts, etc…

I would advise young folks not to accumulate anything more than the basics and be content with a collection of cherished memories.
I’m very keen on trolling around thrift shops and have been lucky enough to find a lot of real gems in my hunt.
After my father passed, I was cleaning out the house and came across his small selection of cookbooks published under the Le Cordon Bleu banner. They are very good - fine dining recipes and techniques arranged into separate categories (fish, chicken, potatoes, soup, cakes etc) with each subject having a book of its own, not overly big, but a format of “collect them all!” kind of thing.
I hung onto the ones he had and have used some of the recipes from time to time.
Only a few weeks ago, I was out thrifting and came across a selection of other titles from the same series and got very excited. I can add to my collection! Collect them all!
I grabbed up all the titles they had there that I didn’t have myself and was headed to the counter to purchase.
Then, something made me stop and I thought - I don’t really need these. I will get pleasure from looking through them, I might even use some of the recipes. They will further my collection and make it closer to completion, but I don’t really need them.
All of the recipes are available online and I can copy them into my recipe library app. Many of the recipes I’ve been making for years, I assisted with the opening curriculum for Le Cordon Bleu in my home town years ago. The recipes don’t change much in that establishment.
I put the books back and decided not to add to my already overwhelming cookbook collection.
Hoarding is real, folks 🤣
I 'inherited' my parents library. (no one wanted them) I got rid of about 1/3rd of them straight off. Then another 1/3rd. When I moved I had to get rid of almost all of the rest plus almost all of my own. But not the cookbooks. Time to start again. Set aside all of the gardening books for my DIL and a niece.
I have a couple of stacks of magazines and cut out recipes. I know probably all of these are available on line. So why can't I get rid of them? Aside from I'm a hoarder? LOL!
But the pictures inspire me and peak my interest.
Haha! You can just take a photo of each recipe you want to keep and have it in your phone. There are some recipe apps that will even transpose the picture into a standard format that you can edit and add your own photos to.
Have you any idea what monster you may have just created??? <JK> :LOL:

I'm not purging anything. Our nieces and nephew can work for their inheritance. They can sort, keep, toss, etc. Whatever. I'll be leaving important info in a book with this cover:


Unless I can make a quiz where winner takes everything. It would be based on family history, stories, and trivia about us that they should have appreciated. ;) We have always enjoyed family game nights.

I may even leave special things in my beloved cookbooks....hmmm.....
Only one who would appreciate my books lives out west. Too far to ship.
But I'll keep what I like most. I'm purging simply as I do not have any space and I can't breath.
I threw out and gave away all my cook books and magazines except: ones I received as a gift, those I still look things up in on baking, the biggest picture cookbooks (that my youngest might want), and a few local group cookbooks and cookie books from Wisconsin Electric. 20 left maybe. And I've spent time writing my recipes (and any recipes I use and altered) in a 4x6 recipe file--it's taken 5 years. Each card has a cellophane cover and I have my own dividers for 'type of recipe'. When I die (not IF I die), the problem of cookbooks is one box of books and one recipe file.

I love that "your problem because I'm dead" picture. @Kathleen
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