Thoughts on lodge Hibachi/biscuit pan

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Senior Cook
Sep 6, 2004
Do any of you have the lodge hibachi or the cast iron muffin or bisquit pans? I would be grilling for 2 at the most, probably mostly myself and probably the biggest thing would be a rack of lamb.
As for the bisquit, corn bread and muffin pans i would probably get 2 or three of them so I can rotate them in and out of the oven so i can keep things moving.
I would be comparing the lodge pans to anolon non stick
I've had my Lodge hibachi for a couple of years now. It's a great little grill, and nicely designed. I often use it when I don't have to grill for the whole family. It adds nice grill marks. :)


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I've had my Lodge hibachi for a couple of years now. It's a great little grill, and nicely designed. I often use it when I don't have to grill for the whole family. It adds nice grill marks. :)

I found this when I searched google for "Lodge Hibachi Grill" and love that little table. Would you have more pics or information on the table and/or its construction?

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