Thursday, July 4, 2024, eats?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
I had pan-fried skirt steak and pasta salad for dinner. Hopefully it won't rain. So we can go see the fireworks. I also bought some fountains and sparklers.
Dragon shrimp and noodles, eggs, sriracha, cashews, cilantro, butter, red pepper flakes, scallions.

I browned then roasted a chicken leg. Then I made an asparagus salad with feta, some pork that was cured the way prosciutto is cured, pistachios, and lemon juice. I had some of the Danish potato salad that I made yesterday. That's the asparagus salad at the top left. I had an orange for dessert.

Edited because I mixed up my right and my left. :ermm::huh:

Chicken leg, Linda's kartoffelsalat, and asparagus and feta salad.jpg
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