To apron or not to apron?

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I have an obsession I think, I wear an apron every day, all day.
I have several, some just adorable, some just utilitarian.
I also have a kitchen towel looped on to my apron to wipe my hands with.
Were twins... I'm alright with that. ;)
Went to a thrift store once bought them out of all apron patterns. They were so cute different styles. If they don't have pockets I'll make pockets. Particular about that.
Do you ever get the strange look from people that you don't know that come to the door when your wearing one?
I change aprons all day for different jobs. Kitchen, cleaning,yard work,garage.They are hanging everywhere.
Told my sons once they don't wear enough floral designs.
They were NOT impressed..
Were twins... I'm alright with that. ;)
Went to a thrift store once bought them out of all apron patterns. They were so cute different styles. If they don't have pockets I'll make pockets. Particular about that.
Do you ever get the strange look from people that you don't know that come to the door when your wearing one?
I change aprons all day for different jobs. Kitchen, cleaning,yard work,garage.They are hanging everywhere.
Told my sons once they don't wear enough floral designs.
They were NOT impressed..
We must be twins!
I too have different aprons for different jobs.
Ten years ago, I started ordering my aprons from Crooked Brook in Utica New York.
I always watched Sara Molton's cooking show and she always worn their criss-cross back apron and I loved it!
I order this:
Apron BSW741 (criss-cross back) / Size-12: 100% Organic cotton Twill, 2-hip tailored welt pockets.
1-Mountain Rose (Aubergine embroidery)
1-Slate (white embroidery)
... maybe every other year as they wear. The old ones then become used for something other than the kitchen.
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Just for a second here... Thoughts about aprons.
They can invoke some power. Some people don't know what to think about them. I give them a break on that. No I don't flip burgers for a living. My experience just answering the door.
People say, act and do things like this.

1) Been asked if the owner is available..? LOL. If I wanted to mess with them I'd say "lemme check. Come back and say she's napping."
2) They put people on edge, they forget how to talk. Stumble for words.
3)Once someone asked me "Hey you think this lady will pay/tip well?" Ok, Playtime for me..Replied with that depends on your attitude if I'll pay you well or not. It's not for you. Have a nice day! ;)
I've done that @Cooking Goddess !
I have my apron on all day, until I finish "work" for the day.
I once was washing up and the doorbell rang as I was drying my "large for me" chef's knife ... the guy just backed away when I opened the door ... when I make my "door dash" deliveries to my Neighborhood Gal Pals when I share food with them, I've still got my apron on.
Also, I where my apron when I have my table at the Community Craft & Bake Sale.
Folks think that I am a pro!!!
"Do you have a card? Where is your shop?"
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Right up the road here at my house! I'm just a home cook, I hope you enjoy.
I've done that @Cooking Goddess !
I have my apron on all day, until I finish "work" for the day.
I once was washing up and the doorbell rang as I was drying my "large for me" chef's knife ... the guy just backed away when I opened the door ... when I make my "door dash" deliveries to my Neighborhood Gal Pals when I share food with them, I've still got my apron on.
Also, I where my apron when I have my table at the Community Craft & Bake Sale.
Folks think that I am a pro!!!
"Do you have a card? Where is your shop?"
View attachment 64390
Right up the road here at my house! I'm just a home cook, I hope you enjoy.
Beautiful table you had set up there Kane. Can see why they asked :)
You;ll all be pleased to know that I wore my apron yesterday :)

As for the first time in a long long time, my clothes were actually clean
(I live on a small holding, so always in the garden or repairing stuff, painting etc)
I have one on pretty much new job I'm doing a lot of different things...from cooking to prep work to dishes..
It saves my clothes
I have four aprons which get used pretty often. Often doesn't mean always, so I get spots and food debris on my tee shirts, pants, and anything else I can use to wipe my hands on.
Do you you aprons, and if so, when?
I mostly use aprons while cooking and doing dishes, otherwise its difficult to get out turmeric spots from my clothes and I usually wet my clothes while washing utensils, so I tend to wear it a lot and is quite literally a saviour for me.
I always said I would and never did. Now I'm tired of buying a new shirt and with the first wearing it gets a stain, not just a drop and dirtied but a really difficult to get out stain - either from cooking or eating.
Definitely becoming an apron wearer while preparing food. Lots of times it carries over into eating said food as well.

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