Left and right sides of lettuce garden. It's been keeping us in salads. It has a cover for it, we close at night and open in the mornings, facing south.
It's pepper season in my neck of the woods and yesterday started the process for making our own sriracha. The peppers which are cayenne are hotter than previous years.
I picked those black cherries today, and even more juliets, that had ripened since those last ones I picked! There were 6 or 7 of them that had blown off the plants, because of the gusty wind early, but I had picked everything with a blush, and all these had ripened, so I picked them again, along with just 3 ripened Bronze Torch Hybrids. The 3 Negro Aztekas in that bowl were from blossoms I had bagged, on the best plant, and I tagged the stem with the fruits, when I removed the bag. I'll let them ripen some more, and save the seeds from those. More Juliet's ripening in a short time, and those 3 Negro Aztekas on the right, were bagged on the best plant. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Second flush of Maitake. 3 pounds worth.
Still have some out there just letting them get a bit bigger.
They say Ill get another 2 flushes next year before the bed dies off.
Cleaned out one of the tomatoes beds to rearrange and make room for the garlic which will go in , In a few weeks. All tomatoes showing sigs of ripening will sit on the counter to ripe. The remaining green ones will be made into Pickled Green Tomatoes. Got a gallons worth.