Tortilla Pizzas.

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Senior Cook
Jun 23, 2020
I made tort pizzas with 10" torts, light sauce (I think helps it stay stiff), light mozz (I think too much results in big bubbles), oregeno, and one or two toppings.

Preheated over (and cookie sheet) at 475F.

Baked each pizza for aprox. 4 minutes.

Comes out crispy and nice. Less bread so doesn't work the stomach as hard. Lol. Thought some might be interested.

In the future I might make my own torts so I can increase thickness for better topping support.


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I've made them in my cast iron skillet.

If you want a thicker crust, sprinkle some cheese over one tortilla and top it with another and heat to melt the cheese and "glue" the two tortillas together, then proceed with you recipe.
Pre-gluing torts together is crucial? I was making them on a plate and sliding off on to cookie sheet shortly after taking out of oven so it stays hot. It would be tougher to work with (particularly if kids are helping) if torts are hot already.
I use pita bread at times.
1 pita at the bottom, then cheese and whatever, one pita on top.
Then in the skillet so it can be turned around and the cheese gets properly melted (I dislike raw cheese) ;)
Pita or tortilla pizzas were my family’s hands-on lunch for us kids before our Sunday afternoon family Monopoly game. I always added lots of anchovies. My brother stole money from the bank.

Thanks Cooking4fun! Now I’m going to try to keep tortillas and pizza cheese on hand for lunches when I don’t want my usual go-to’s— ramen or a peanut butter sandwich.
Pre-gluing torts together is crucial? I was making them on a plate and sliding off on to cookie sheet shortly after taking out of oven so it stays hot. It would be tougher to work with (particularly if kids are helping) if torts are hot already.
Not crucial. Just a way to keep the two together while working with them. I assumed you'd be assembling them on the cookie sheet.

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