Trying to think of an ?Indian? bread I can't remember the name of

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Senior Cook
May 15, 2020
Prior Lake
I vividly remember a cooking show that showed an Indian (or maybe it was African) woman with a large ball of dough in her hand, and she cooked it by swiping (almost sticking) the ball of dough itself against a hot cooking surface (like a crepe maker almost), putting the thinnest of layers on the pan before retracting the whole ball of dough. If anyone has any idea what type of bread this could be. . . I can't think of it!

I'm thinking injera, roti, chapati, but none of these I think are right.
I recommend you go to Youtube and search for" Indian flatbread in an tandoori oven" Watch a few and decide which is the bread you remember. Breads cooked like this are rolled out and placed on a pillow like pad that is then slapped onto the oven wall. The dough sticks and the pillow is withdrawn.
I don't know of any Indian flatbreads like this - the thinnest flatbreads I know of are the dosa, but these are made with batters, and made like crepes, but spread even thinner. However, something that I did one time, using that method of slapping a ball of dough into a hot, CI pan, then pulling it out, leaving what stuck to the pan. These were simply homemade springroll wrappers - more of a Chinese or SE Asian thing - and a friend and I only tried the one time, but it was a simple dough, with 70% hydration, so it was sticky enough to put that layer on the pan. That was before I had the infrared thermometer, but this is one thing that needs a medium heat, not too hot, not too cool.
I don't know of any Indian flatbreads like this - the thinnest flatbreads I know of are the dosa, but these are made with batters, and made like crepes, but spread even thinner. However, something that I did one time, using that method of slapping a ball of dough into a hot, CI pan, then pulling it out, leaving what stuck to the pan. These were simply homemade springroll wrappers - more of a Chinese or SE Asian thing - and a friend and I only tried the one time, but it was a simple dough, with 70% hydration, so it was sticky enough to put that layer on the pan. That was before I had the infrared thermometer, but this is one thing that needs a medium heat, not too hot, not too cool.
Oooooohhhh!!! Yayyyyy!!!!! That's it!!!!!


My brain couldn't figure it out. Thank you so much!!! It was bugging the heck outta me!!!
We have naan bread here actually my daughter makes the best
I order keema naan when out
It is plain naan stuffed with curry mince lamb. So good scooping up a gravy .

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