Turkey fryer temp question

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well what i am getting at is this , i mentioned here on the forum that later this year ( as soon as the weather warms ) that we were asked to cook hamburgers for a local event , i got to thinking that i might be able to fry chicken instead ? just to be a bit different from what is served at other events of this type , but my main concern is controlling the oil temp
You should be able to get the oil temperature to 350ºF-375ºF at least. That's as high as I've heated oil in a turkey fryer but I feel like I could have gone higher if needed. It all depends on the power the burner.
i know that dropping 10-15 lbs of meat in it will drop the temp , so i'm wondering how much and how long would it take to recover.
what i have is called a Cajon cooker it holds 7-8 gallons
You'd be far better off cooking that chicken on the grill that you use for hamburgers.
You'd have more control of heat. Plus control of when the meat is finished.
Plus to my way of thinking - having a huge vat of hot cooking oil at a large gathering of people... will you be in a kitchen area away from the general crowd? ... got insurance?
got insurance? no but the sponsor does haha
i/we talked to them this morning and they loved the idea of the fried chicken but in the end they left it up to us what to do , they will just pay for all the expenses
the grilled chicken really isn't an option because we are very well know here for the fried chicken so us grilling chicken would disappoint a lot of people.
as much as i don't want to, i might set up and run a test batch with 10 or so lbs of chicken just to see what happens
i'm pretty sure we could rig up some type of barrier between the fryer and the crowd
we have until warmer weather to work out any bugs and in this area that might be as early as late April or as late as late May
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i'm pretty sure we could rig up some type of barrier between the fryer and the crowd
that sounds good - better safe than sorry
as much as i don't want to, i might set up and run a test batch with 10 or so lbs of chicken just to see what happens
keep in mind - large quantities will cook differently than smaller ones. You'll have to decide how much you will cook at one time as there's always the time it takes to bring the temp back up. Plus I imagine each weight would time differently.

LOL - you got a lot of homework ahead of you! and experimenting. don't want to lose your reputation, eh?
You should be able to get the oil temperature to 350ºF-375ºF at least. That's as high as I've heated oil in a turkey fryer but I feel like I could have gone higher if needed. It all depends on the power the burner.

I've only done a fried turkey once, and used 350F for my oil temperature. It turned out great.

Whole chickens should be the same oil temperature, but a shorter time.

Just remember to turn off the flame while you lower your bird in the fryer. When the frantic bubbling stops, you can re-light the flame.

You'd be far better off cooking that chicken on the grill that you use for hamburgers.
You'd have more control of heat. Plus control of when the meat is finished.
Plus to my way of thinking - having a huge vat of hot cooking oil at a large gathering of people... will you be in a kitchen area away from the general crowd? ... got insurance?

I was nervous the first time I fried a turkey, but my friends and I did everything correctly, and the fryer was away from anything flammable. It all went down as planned, and a fried turkey is a real treat. Who fried chickens are getting popular, too. I've see YouTube videos about it.

It really takes two people to work fryer duty to be the safest, but keep everyone else away... especially kids and pets. You really don't want people looking over your shoulder while you lower the bird(s) into a big vat of hot oil. And you definitely don't want a hungry dog wandering around your feet.

Dragnlaw : your right our reputation will be on the line
if i am not convinced that we can (1) do it right and (2)and do it safely i WILL NOT DO IT !! i will go back to the hambugers and hot dog plan
CD the location will be in a paved parking lot
i have seen 2 turkeys deep fried in person ,and they are good , i like them cooked in the oven better , plus i have smoked several turkeys for other people
when we do the test batch of 10 lbs we will make a group of our friends very happy eating the results good or bad haha
thanks for eveyones input !!
well the wife talked about doing wings only but i was thinking about using the whole cut up chickens as we could get 8 pieces from each chicken . the wings would have a shorter frying time , i have never even tried to fry a whole intact breaded chicken before mmmmmmm that might be interesting to try one day, but not for the event
Walk away.
It sounds like you have a good reputation currently - never do anything outside your wheelhouse that could damage that.
You could use another name, or do everything possible to distance this experiment from your own daily good name but it might be a risk.
JE: we totally agree with protecting our reputation !!!
the way we try anything new is like this :
no one tastes ANYTHING until just the two of us taste it first THEN if it we both agree, ONLY THEN do we do we prepare it for a SELECT group of 5 friends that we know will give very honest opinions . they know they are our TEST group and know we don't want anything that doesn't go well beyond ordinary , if it doesn't meet or exceed their expectations they have 0 problems telling us
only then do we serve it to others

there have been a couple of new developments
i talked to the one sponsoring the event again yesterday and they have decided to join with some other business's and move things to a different location and join with them doing something like a local fair type gathering we will still be the primary food at the event along with things like kettle corn and snow cone type of offerings from other business's
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problem solved !!!
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