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Sous Chef
Nov 23, 2008
A Hollar in Northern Iowa
Here's the smoke generator I'm buildin fer the sausage smoker.


Looks sorta familiar eh? I figure why buy somthin ya can build?

I hot wired the heatin element an gave it a test run. So far it will pull 225° an maintain it. Thats higher then I need fer the sausage, bacon an hams. Looks like the element is a go.

Wanna finish up wirin an get the smoke generator mounted next weekend.

And NO its not GALVANIZED pipe!
Now why couldnt a person just set a pie pan fulla chips or chunks on the heating element? That is how po folks does it most likely:)

Yep them all good points. You just too much of a smarty pants for me:) There is a whole section devoted to electric smoking and cooking over at this one place I visit..forget the link right now. Have learnt them electric cooking folks takes their hobby/bizness mo serious than a kanser. You ought to pop in over there and give them some freee lessons sometime. In the meantime I got to get some input on how to make my Royal Oak brand electric model from Wally World cook propaly. Now they have the water pan at the same level as the chip tray which is way too high above the element to make it smoke. Ya know whut I mean Vern? I would fire the injuneer who came up with that brillant scheme...if I owned the company of course. Or I would least put him to driving a different Train.

Hi Hillbilly,
That's pretty cool work, been going to make on of those myself this winter in the ole man cave(shop). Never thought about a heater in it. any chance of a couple pics of your top secret innards? I agree with ya about the why buy when ya can make! lol :LOL:
bigwheel said:
In the meantime I got to get some input on how to make my Royal Oak brand electric model from Wally World cook propaly. Now they have the water pan at the same level as the chip tray which is way too high above the element to make it smoke. Ya know whut I mean Vern? I would fire the injuneer who came up with that brillant scheme...if I owned the company of course. Or I would least put him to driving a different Train.


Bigwheel, that what happens when engineers build things rather then the folks what use em. I've always said an engineer should have ta use an work on that product fer 6 months, then they wouldn't do some a the stupid stuff they do.
I hear ya on them injuneers. They are a funny bunch of folks. For some reason the Lord do not equip them to make decisions. You oughtta try to sell em a Lake Lot. Whew. They is as wishy washy as old widder ladies. Now had a little cowboy buddy who could sell em quick. He just start making fun of em and telling injuneer jokes. You get them laughing at their own peculiarities they will fork over the cash.


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