Walked and saw...

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
Tonight I walked, and saw some little rabbits.:LOL:
It made me smile.
What did you see?
I saw a deer on my way home. I love seeing them at a reasonable distance from the road.
I got home from an unexpected day at work and saw Shrek and the cats sleeping in a pile on the couch...that made me smile.
I saw a white flash moving quickly away from my chicken coop when I went out to shut the door tonight... and the reason I went out when I did is because I thought I smelled skunk...
Yesterday I saw my first Robin of the spring...of course it isn't spring yet but I was thrilled to see one so early in the year. Today I saw too geese overhead. Can't figure out if they were late heading south or very early heading north!
A big male badger set off the security lights in the garden, spring is here and he was looking for a mate.
A new doggie who for some reason thinks the front door (inside that is) is the place to poop. But, what made me smile is my 10 year old neighbor came over with toys for her!
On the subject of birds, last weekend I saw the turkey vultures coming back to the area. They come back after the robins.
While walking my dog, we pass a house where there is this smaller dog who is always out on his leash. He wants to come over so badly he always jumps and barks like crazy. Lately the snowbanks have been getting pretty high. Now, he stands staright up, on his hind legs so he can see us over the snowbanks, while we walk down the street. He can stand there for such a long time, and looks so funny, it makes me laugh everytime I walk down that street.
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The daffodils are blooming in the yard!! Every year I think I need to dig them up and move them, because I have to mow around the foliage for so long, and every year I don't do it!! I loves me some daffodils!
Yesterday I saw my first Robin of the spring...of course it isn't spring yet but I was thrilled to see one so early in the year. Today I saw too geese overhead. Can't figure out if they were late heading south or very early heading north!

did you happen to notice which direction they were flying? That may have been a clue! haha:LOL:
Didn't see any wildlife yesterday on the walk. I have heard the geese migrating back to the north lately.
Today we got 5 inches of snow, no flowers here yet, wish we did!
I bet I see tracks from wildlife when I walk today. Be healthy, walk if you can.
I walked...on the treadmill at rehab. Today I get to haul stuff to the storage unit. Decided to take a day off from work...:wacko:
Spring Fever, Princess?

Not really, tired of tripping over the boxes or moving them around and I worked extra, unexpectedly, on Monday. I had the choice of staying home today or Friday. The facility is not paying overtime these days.:mellow:
Saw another bud opening on the Mr. Lincoln rose, growing in a big black pot in the back yard. I'll cut it and bring it in tonight. Such a fragrant bloom!
Not really, tired of tripping over the boxes or moving them around and I worked extra, unexpectedly, on Monday. I had the choice of staying home today or Friday. The facility is not paying overtime these days.:mellow:

Hope you had a good day and got your place back in order.

I'm kind of lucky in that there aren't enough cabinets to store extra stuff, plus with monthly inspections (required by HUD), I don't need to do any extra heavy duty cleaning.:LOL:
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