Washing up is boring!

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Senior Cook
Jan 3, 2002
I hate washing up :(

How does anyone else get through the boredom of washing up? I don't have a TV in my kitchen so I get really bored! If anyone has any tips then please let me know :D
You'll never believe this; but one day it just hit me about how nice everything looked when I got through. I love coming into the kitchen when everything is all clean and ready to begin another meal....plus I've developed a bit of joint stiffness and the warmth of dishwater is very soothing to my hands, so it is easier to do than it used to be! I know this isn't much help to you; but just know it becomes a habit and will get easier with time;) LOL, Carol
Good question as this is not what I like to do either. Like Carol, the main reason I can get through it is because I like the look of a clean kitchen. It's such a good feeling in the morning to come into that clean smell. And trust me, not the best movie in the world will make this chore easier - it's more of an excuse to stop and watch it so a TV in the kitchen does not necessarily help!!!

And, if you wait and leave everything, you will just have twice as much to do :(

Now that you know there is no hope EVER in making this a fun chore - have a great day and please, let us cheer you up anytime!!!!! LOL
I agree with Carol and Kitchenelf. Knowing that you will walk into a clean kitchen is reward enough. Believe me, the longer you wait, the longer it takes to clean:(
Now that we have completely discouraged this poor woman from ever finding the urge to run into the kitchen and clean her hands off - l can remember when I was "thinking" about becoming a teenager, I used to practice slow dancing with our refrigerator. Surely this would encourage anybody to spend time in their kitchen:rolleyes: Yes, I married a tall guy who felt much like our refrigerator but not nearly as chilly.....
Now THAT reminds me!!!!! There's a dance here in North and South Carolina called the "shag" and I used to practice with the kitchen chairs and the counter!!!!

We're really not very encouraging about cleaning the kitchen are we!! :(

For the life of me I can't think of anything encouraging to say about the subject!! ;)
feed the birds.

Here in Queensland, Australia we are blessed with a rich array of wonderful birds, parrots, doves, lorikeets, budgies etc. When I have to do the dishes - which is always it seems - before I start I soak a few slices of stale bread and put out on the lawn or in a dish or two on the lawn - come inside and in a minute or two I have a lawn covered with beautiful parrots and lorrikeets etc eating and feasting on the bread. It gives me a great deal of satisfaction watching their antics as they eat the bread - and as I do the dishes. Its great thearapy for me and gives the birds a feed. Picassoboyz.
What a great way to do the dishes!!! We're are overly blessed with squirrels here and it's so funny to watch the babies in the late spring. Not quite sure-footed they tend to fall out of the trees often. They just shake it off and go on their way!
Washing up is boring

It sure isn't one of my favorite Martha Stewart moments. My kitchen is so tiny though, if I don't do the washing up right away, it looks messy so I jump right in, grit my teeth and as Porky Pig would say, "That's All Folks".
Dear Maraguay,

Are you perchance from England? I have never heard an American use the term, "washing up," only in the UK. But no matter where one is, doing the dishes is a big pain in the butt! And I find a dish washer practically useless.

Let's see: why do I hate using a dishwasher: I can't put my stemweare in it. I can't put my antique Mexican pottery in it. I can't put my teakwood service in it. I can't put my bone handeled flat ware in it. Most of my serving platters won't fit in it. Most of my pots and pans won't fit in it. I won't put my good knives or my wooden spoons in it.

So what's left? Well, once in a while, after a big do, when I have oodles of plates all the same size I put them in it.

But, quite frankley, the hardest part of cleaning up isn't the dishes, it's the orgionizing, putting everything away and clearing the counters and sweeping the floor.

I am fortunate to have a big kitchen window and I can snoop into the *** lives of the birds and squirlls (sp) while doing dishes.
Washing up

No - I'm from NY State. I used the term washing up because that was what the original poster called it. I live in a tiny apartment so I have to do all my dishes by hand and if I don't do them immediately it looks like a mess in here and I can't stand it. My daughter has a dishwasher but I don't like it very much. My back is very bad and it's hard for me to stoop and unload it. She has been sick since three brain surgeries last year and can't stoop very well.

Nice to hear from you.:)
never ever wash up!

First of all, never ever ever wash up if you can bribe someone else too :P Secondly I'm blessed with a dishwasher so this eliminates most of the hassle *contented bliss* Thirdly I just get my man to do it:) quite a simple trick really, No clean dishes no dinner. I've found that stratergy works well. And since according to him I'm a great cook (I think he says this is just so he doesn't have to cook), I cook and he cleans. :) But do note that bribery works wonders. ;)
I want one of those!!!!!!

My husband never leaves the kitchen without asking if he can help. Since he still does not know where ANYTHING goes I just as soon do it myself!!!! LOL - I just turn on the TV and do "my thing".
washing up

You sure are lucky to have one like that:) Mine adored my cooking but wouldn't turn a finger. In those days however (when dinosaurs walked the earth), we women were dumb enough to wait on the men hand and foot. Oh for today's life:D :D :D :D
My husband absolutly RAVES about my cooking. Of course, the fact that his Ex couldn't even do "Hamburger Helper" right helps on that issue! About once a week, he offers to "cook dinner"...which mean Dial Pizza Hut Delivery, and use paper plates! He has been known to unload the dishwasher, but then I can't find a darned thing! I'm SO picky about where my "stuff" goes, the only persons I allow to "put up the dishes" are my daughter and son when they visit...they KNOW where I want things, and they KNOW how picky I am! My daughter is so much the same, that I can walk into her kitchen, and without looking, reach into a drawer or cabinet and find whatever, because she puts everything in exactly the same place I do. Brilliant girl!;)
washing up

This one really made me smile :D

My cupboards are so organized - dishes too - that I could go into it in the dark and find something right away. Husbands???? Helpless babies most of them (including my son):D :D :D
LOL! While watching Emeril the other night (hubby likes him 'cause he's funny ) Hubby said he was considering learning to cook, since Emeril makes some of the dishes look SO EASY...!?!? I told HIM that HE wouldn't have the PREP CHEFS doing all the REAL WORK, chopping, slicing, dicing, measuring etc... nor would he have the CLEAN UP STAFF behind the scenes! If he's gonna cook, he'll have to do it MY way in MY kitchen!! He decided he's stick with his Pizza Hut "recipe" :D
I read the message from Cookies, and I wanted to share something that might help her. I also have a bad back, and have arranged everything so that I can sit on a stool and wash dishes. Everybody who watches gets so tickled cause everything I have is arranged to wash and dry by hand and it's so much easier than trying to raise up and down for the dishwasher. I love the look of all those dishes going into the soapy water and coming out all clean. I rinse in my other sink and stack into the drainer - all without having to move one bit. Arranging them is the key. So much easier on my back!!
I am a pretty serious gimp due to a back injure and if it wasn't for my kitchen stool I dom't know what I'd do. Unfortunatelly, most stools are not the right hight for me to work at my counters and island si I usually have to say about 4 inches off the legs. I have one at my sink and baking end of the kitchen and one at my chopping and cooking end of the kitchen. Another lives in my car with the rest of the equipment and supplies I need for teaching my cooking classes.
washing up

Hi Carol

I'm going to try that. My back is absolutely killing sometimes and as I really love to get my hands in that soapy water, this should be such a nice treat. I've put stuff in and out of my daughter's dishwasher and my back kills me every single time.

Thanks for the tip.:)
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