We are in the Final 4

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Contest Winner
Feb 12, 2005
Pageland SC
Seems like we have been playing basketball this past week, as we move up it has been fast but now with a job not quite done we are in the Final 4. Way to go team! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
please don't remind me of that game. that's all i've been working on, 65 hours this week. curse you dr. naismith!!!just another canadian making my life difficult...

"ok, well, you bounce the ball, then toss it in the ol' peachbasket, eh?"
I play basketball like a white bear hamster in a body cast.
ROFLMAO - The picture in my mind is still a little fuzzy sushi but when it clears up I'm probably going to choke on whatever I'm eating/drinking!!!!!!!!!
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