Wednesday, Dec 4, 2024. Hump Day Dinner

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Steve Kroll

Wine Guy
Mar 29, 2011
Twin Cities, Minnesota
Tonight for dinner I had rainbow trout, asparagus, and a sweet potato.

What's everyone else making?

I prepped and partially cooked some of the veges for dinner while prepping others, Craig finished up. He's going to be prepping or cooking, or fending for himself from now on, his choice. I'm done doing 99.99% of the cooking. Maybe he'll start showing some interest now that he has to participate.

Anyway, we split a ribeye, mushrooms and onions, green beans and carrots, and baked potatoes with butter and sour cream. He did a good job with a little help reminding him of the timeline so everything gets done at the same time.

I'm making Thai Chicken Basil Bowls...'cuz I've got so much home-grown basil, I've got to use it! And, 'cuz it is one of DH's favorites. A replacement for "Beef Bowl" fast food that he misses from So Cal.

My three foot basil plant is looking a bit shaggy. I've been traveling too much, so it hasn't been getting a regular watering.

I may need to make some pesto to keep frozen.

I had the last of the leftover, Greek, gyro pork. I had a couple of pieces of the leftover roast potatoes, made with no skin. There was also leftover tzatziki. I was surprised that I was hungry again after an hour or two. I finished of the veggies and about half of the half chicken breast, both from the tray bake.

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