Weird pop up page

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Chef Extraordinaire
Feb 11, 2007
For the last two days, when opening this site I get a pop up telling me that I may have won an Apple iPad. It is opening as a new window and when I close it out DC appears as normal. Is this a new form of advertising here? I don't know why my pop up blocker isn't catching it... :(
For the last two days, when opening this site I get a pop up telling me that I may have won an Apple iPad. It is opening as a new window and when I close it out DC appears as normal. Is this a new form of advertising here? I don't know why my pop up blocker isn't catching it... :(

You should not be seeing a pop up here. If it continues please copy the url of the ad and shoot me a PM. Also consider logging out and clearing your cookies and then running a scan.
Well that's just weird.
I'll try to get a screenshot of it next time. The url has the word "amazon" in it, but I'm pretty sure it isn't's website address. Of course I'm not clicking on anything to get me "free" ipad, lol.

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