What are some mistakes you made in the kitchen lately..?

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Although not too big of a deal, since it was just my daughter and her husband, but a combination of :
1) Trusting my wife with a recipe she thought was good
2) Not doing a trial run ( making it first and testing the recipe before we counted on it for dessert).

- We had a few left over banana's, and my wife wanted to make banana pudding to have for dessert for when the kids were over.
- She started making it, but then asked if I could help. ( I don't like putting my name on something unless I know it will work and be good. Trust me, I've thrown my share of crappy stuff out, but usually Im a pretty good judge of what will work or taste good in advance, she isn't!)
- Anyway, she had already started, so we were all in at this point. Bottom line is it never set up. It was more like a thick banana soup than a pudding.
- No big deal. We had Oreos instead.
If none of the ingredients need to be cooked, then couldn't you freeze the pudding, whip it in a blender or food processor, refreeze and use it like an ice cream?

Today my error in the kitchen, I cooked. WE slash I made soups. When he helps he is in the basement working on building another hive for bees.
If none of the ingredients need to be cooked, then couldn't you freeze the pudding, whip it in a blender or food processor, refreeze and use it like an ice cream?

Today my error in the kitchen, I cooked. WE slash I made soups. When he helps he is in the basement working on building another hive for bees.
My wife got to them before I did. I probably wouldn't have tried to salvage the dish.

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