What are you eating today, Saturday, January 11, 2025?

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I had a "karbonade". It's Danish (Quelle surprise ;)). It's seasoned ground pork shaped into a patty and then breaded or dipped in flour. I went with the flour. Then it's fried. I browned mine and stuck it in the oven, so I wouldn't have to babysit it while I dealt with other dishes. I actually made two, so I would have one left for another night. I made new to me recipe - a mushroom sauce. It was good, but it was more of a mushroom side dish with cream sauce. I also had some wholewheat macaroni. I also made a salad of green crisp lettuce, mustard greens, mung bean sprouts, cucumber, and half a thinly sliced cipolinno onion. Dressed with some of my batch vinaigrette. That was good. It was a very beige meal. I ate too much.

2025-01-11 Karbonade with wholewheat macaroni, mushroom sauce, an a salad.jpg
Found a 5-mushroom pizza at Aldi today, which I will be trying tonight. Hope it's good!
Update on the Mama Cozzi's 5-mushroom pizza - disgusting. Probably one of the WORST frozen pizzas I've ever tried. "5-mushroom" was about right... there weren't many more pieces than that on the entire pizza. And the crust was awful. The texture of it was tough and chewy and it tasted synthetic, almost chemical-like. I ended up tossing the whole thing in the trash.

awww Linda - that's too bad. I was so looking forward to enjoying that pizza with you! - albeit vicariously but ...
Thanks, hon. I was looking forward to it as well. In fact, I was downright excited about it, lol. But... my excitement was deflated quickly.

Definitely won't be buying anymore Mama Cozzi's pizzas. I wonder if their 'deli' style (the non-frozen ones in the refrigerated section) are just as gross or much better? I'll probably never know because now I'm afraid to try them.
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