What does ISO mean?

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Senior Cook
Jul 24, 2010
SARZANA, La Spezia
Could somebody tell me what ISO stands for?
What I found on Google "International Standard Organization" seems to be out of place with what's going on here.
In addition to International Standards Organization, ISO stands for In Search Of. Use this in a thread title when you're looking for a recipe. Someone will respond with a TnT recipe. (Tried and true).
Also NYT = New York Times, you may see that here in a few places also as in NYT Bread recipe.
Some other important ones you might need:

IMO = in my opinion
IMHO = in my humble opinion
OP = original poster
LPB = Me! :whistling
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Actually that would be LAL.

LOL is laughing out loud ;)

:wacko:I thought about that while driving down the street a bit ago. LOL!:wacko:
Must still be goofy drugs in my system...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
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