What Happened The Day YOU Were Born?

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Fun thread. Apparently not much of anything happened the day I was born. Oh and eggs are still about .85 to 1.10 a dozen. They don't seem to change much.
corazon90 said:
When is your birthday lulu?
We both sound like we were born in the eighties

Cut that out!!! Both my kids were born in the 80s!!!:ermm::LOL::ohmy: 1985 and 1988!

Reading some of these posts is making me feel awfully 'cool', hahahaha.
VeraBlue said:
Cut that out!!! Both my kids were born in the 80s!!!:ermm::LOL::ohmy: 1985 and 1988!

Reading some of these posts is making me feel awfully 'cool', hahahaha.

I felt the same disbelief VeraBlue - my kids were born in 1982 and 1988. Egads . . . I feel pretty young tho. I guess 40 something is young to many. I'm trying to enjoy what little youth I have left, LOL!!
Wow! You just will not believe this! My husband & I are always trying to figure out what we have in common (besides beauty of course).
The year he was born, one of my favorite movies was made. That song you can never get out of your mind that he hums all the time was released. The magazine cover was about fast furious race cars (my ever loving passion). The nobel prize guy was noted for his study about my medical condition. And the most unique thing of all is that stupid looking chair is the same one that my husband bought to sit next to his smoker! (and one of my favorite pictures of him)
The year that I was born, his favorite movie was made. He never talked about the song, but he mentions the group who put it out when he wants to be funny. The nobel prize guy was working on a cure for his mother's diease. And the most unique thing of all is that bookcase wall unit is identical to the one he made in our bedroom!
This was all a bit much....
Now that was fun. What puzzled me was that my husband, for whom I am now planning a 60th birthday party, had a song called, "Managua, Nicaragua." I thought I was pretty familiar with old songs, but now I need to find this one. Maybe it is something I've heard but didn't know the name of?

This is very interesting, thanks for posting it.

Here are the covers of Time from my sister's and my birthdays.
Looks think things have not changed that much.:unhappy:


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My mom's birthday was September 11. However, I am grateful she wasn't around when 9/11 happened. Don't think she would feel too happy about it. On my birthday, nothing. Mom was the important one.
ormandj said:
Julius Caesar was stabbed to death in 44BC on my birthday. Beware the Ides of March!!

WOW you were born in 44BC! ;)
My Dad says that he is too old to learn the computer but you are doing really well.
dang little it seems,cept it was friday and rock around the clock was #1 song in USA. Keanu Reeves and Jimmy Connors share the same birthday but not the same year.
Poutine said:
WOW you were born in 44BC! ;)
My Dad says that he is too old to learn the computer but you are doing really well.

Haha. Sorry, I failed English a few too many times. :LOL: I am not that old, maybe one of the youngest people here, 1982AD. :-p
The coolest thing about my born day is that "Tequila" by The Champs was the number one song in the USA... Now I'm gonna have it boppin around in my head all day!

Thanks. :neutral:
Number-one song in the charts today

In the USA:
"Best of My Love"
by The Emotions

In the UK:
"Way Down"
by Elvis Presley
TIME Magazine cover this week​
TIME Magazine: Bert Lance
(TIME Cover: September the 19th, 1977)

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1977

Ilya Prigogine
for his contributions to non-equilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of dissipative structures
Université Libre de Bruxelles - Brussels, Belgium; University of Texas - Austin, TX, US

Photo: nobelprize.org

Average price of a dozen eggs in 1977 (USA)

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