What have you had for breakfast lately?

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DD and I had Ihop this morning. We needed to get out for a while. I had a short stack (two pancakes topped with butter, glazed strawberries, sour cream, a splash each of strawberry, old-fashioned, and butter pecan syrups), two slices of bacon, orange juice, and hot tea. I could only eat half.
DD had a rooty tootty (it's called something else now).

I had to run out this morning to pick up a bag of ice since we are having fridge issues and grabbed some Dunkin donuts.

Been quite a while since we had Dunkin for breakfast.

I haven't had a donut in ages, although I am a Krispy Kreme fan, myself.

DD and I had Ihop this morning. We needed to get out for a while. I had a short stack (two pancakes topped with butter, glazed strawberries, sour cream, a splash each of strawberry, old-fashioned, and butter pecan syrups), two slices of bacon, orange juice, and hot tea. I could only eat half.
DD had a rooty tootty (it's called something else now).


I saw these in Walmart a few days ago. I had to stop, back up and look again to make sure I really saw what I thought I saw. :ROFLMAO:


Sunday Brunch, 17 Nov 2024: Huevos rancheros con carnitas, frijoles con chile, papas fritas, y arroz Mexicano rojo, tropical fruit salad, and mimosas.
My breakfast on most days is one of the following:
  • lowfat yogurt/skyr with hemp hearts, chopped walnuts, granola, and fruit of some kind
  • lowfat cottage cheese with hemp hearts, avocado, and salsa
  • on weekends I sometimes make an omelet with whatever fillings I have on hand.
I always try to eat something that has a good dose of protein.
For the longest time Back Bacon (or Peameal) was not available in Quebec. Each trip I made to Ontario I had to make sure I brought some back for my BIL. I believe you can now, what say you @taxlady?

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