What have you had for lunch lately?

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Don't forget hot chicken sandwiches. Or is that more of a thing in cold places?

I just did some searching. This might just be an Eastern Canada thing. It's easy and tasty - shredded chicken on a slice of bread with chicken gravy. Some people like to put another slice of bread on top with some more gravy. It's traditional to serve this with peas. Some people like to put the peas on top of the sandwich. I don't serve it with peas. I guess I usually make a salad that goes in a bowl or on a small plate, so it doesn't get gravy mixed in. The bread doesn't need to be toasted or buttered.
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The photo is not the prettiest, but the chicken salad was delicious. It's my grandmother's recipe. For this, I used 1/2 of a Costco rotisserie chicken, roughly chopped in the food processor. To that, 3 hard-cooked eggs, 3 stalks of celery, 10 sweet midget pickles, 10 olives with pimento, and one small green onion - all roughly chopped. I added salt, pepper, and a bit of Miracle Whip (cuz mayo is not the same and Gma used MW.) Costco also had some croissant loafs which was very tasty along with a few baby salad greens.

I cannot resist getting rotisserie chickens at the big box stores, and my sweetie has balked at another round of chicken and noodles. (I may make chicken soup or a chicken pot pie with the other half though.)

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Was the bread pricy? Here, croissant bread runs about $9/loaf! I've not checked Costco, just Fred Meyer and QFC.
Don't forget hot chicken sandwiches. Or is that more of a thing in cold places?

I just did some searching. This might just be an Eastern Canada thing. It's easy and tasty - shredded chicken on a slice of bread with chicken gravy.
Funny you should mention an Eastern Canada thing. I'd never heard of it before I moved to Quebec. Doesn't mean it wasn't in southern Ontario, I just never knew about it. It was a favourite of my first husband. Yes, they served it with peas and a 2nd piece of bread on top. Plus, don't know about others but his family insisted it be soft white sandwich bread (think Wonder bread) It would squish up with the gravy just perfectly.

My lunch today was my version of Won Ton soup. Discovered about 3 packages of homemade Won Tons in the depth of the freezer, :( . Not too good looking but I wasn't about to waste them.
Mixed up my spicy mix, cooked up the won tons and accessories :) - yummy and satisfying lunch.
Was the bread pricy? Here, croissant bread runs about $9/loaf! I've not checked Costco, just Fred Meyer and QFC.
I'm trying to find the receipt, but I believe it was less than $4.50 USD a loaf. It came in a package of two loafs. I froze one for later, and it is very good.
@taxlady I love hot chicken sandwiches AND I just happen to have 1/2 of a chicken sitting there. :bounce: I'll slice the chicken meat where I can, and shred the bits. Put on the gravy and then add a second piece of bread along with more gravy. I always served it with mashed potatoes. Good for a cold winter night and it has been a long time since I've made it. Thanks for the dinner idea!
Don't forget hot chicken sandwiches. Or is that more of a thing in cold places?

I just did some searching. This might just be an Eastern Canada thing. It's easy and tasty - shredded chicken on a slice of bread with chicken gravy. Some people like to put another slice of bread on top with some more gravy. It's traditional to serve this with peas. Some people like to put the peas on top of the sandwich. I don't serve it with peas. I guess I usually make a salad that goes in a bowl or on a small plate, so it doesn't get gravy mixed in. The bread doesn't need to be toasted or buttered.
I'm not sure that I've heard of "hot chicken sandwich" here...but why not? We have similar things, "hot turkey sandwich" and "hot beef sandwich"...they are much the same as you've described, save the top with bread part. Some places serve mashed taters too, probably a 50/50 thing. The turkey version would more likely have "dressing" instead of the taters. What's not to like?
I'm not sure that I've heard of "hot chicken sandwich" here...but why not? We have similar things, "hot turkey sandwich" and "hot beef sandwich"...they are much the same as you've described, save the top with bread part. Some places serve mashed taters too, probably a 50/50 thing. The turkey version would more likely have "dressing" instead of the taters. What's not to like?
I never put a top piece of bread, but some people like that. I also don't think it needs more carbs with the bread, so I have never served it with mashed 'taters, though that does sound good.
I guess my biggest downfall is I never think about carbs, sugar, fats, calories, or any of that stuff.

I think only of what I want to taste and the texture.

Yeah, I think I remember my in-laws serving with mashers.
I guess my biggest downfall is I never think about carbs, sugar, fats, calories, or any of that stuff.

I think only of what I want to taste and the texture.

Yeah, I think I remember my in-laws serving with mashers.
Oh, it's not so much that I worry about carbs. I am more interested in balance, so I would rather get some veg into that meal before adding a second carb and while potatoes are a veg, I don't feel they count as such in this context.
while potatoes are a veg, I don't feel they count as such in this context.
My sentiments exactly. Always been told eg. protein (chicken), 2 vegies (carrots & Peas, preferably with 2 colours), starch (potatoes or rice). Often bread in the form of dinner rolls along side, but usually only on Sundays.
One night, shortly after we were married, having a Spaghetti dinner. Meat sauce, Salad, Crusty garlic bread.
Husband: "Where are the potatoes?"
me: What??? you never have potatoes with a pasta like spaghetti!
him: Yes! Mom always made potatoes with spaghetti.
me: reaching for phone and calling his Mom.

me: satisfied 'I told you so' grin on my face.
We still get a chuckle out of it.
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