What methods and ratios are there along with time temp recommendations for different types of cookies?

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Assistant Cook
Dec 1, 2024
United States
I've never been good with making cookies and was wondering what types of ratios are best for different types of cookies i.e crispy and crunchy or soft and chewy and any other ones. Also what time and temps are best for each one?
Could maybe give us an example of a cookie that you've done? What went wrong, what type of cookie are you making, what are the ratio's in the recipe, what temperature were you given, are your cookie sheets light or dark metal?
You have to give us a bit of help here. There is no set answer for all cookies.
utterly impossible to answer.

there are many many types of "cookies" - and the intended 'result' drastically affects any and all kind of ratios . . .
Could maybe give us an example of a cookie that you've done? What went wrong, what type of cookie are you making, what are the ratio's in the recipe, what temperature were you given, are your cookie sheets light or dark metal?
You have to give us a bit of help here. There is no set answer for all cookies.
sure the choc chip ones i made started from this cookie base recipe i found online.
- 1.5 cups of ap flour
- 1/2 cup of unsalted butter
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1 egg
- probably like 1/2 to 1 tsp of salt honestly cant remember
then i added chocolate chip after letting the dough chill in the fridge overnight which screwed me over because it becamne tough to mix in the chocolate chips afterwards. Then i baked them on a dark grey baking sheet and a black one white small white spots on it it might have been a non stick one with that type of design. they were baked at 350 until the toothpick came out dry. But they became pretty hard/crunchy. Hope this helped.
Toll House Chocolate Chunk cookies try this recipe and see if you don't have better results.

Please note - Generally speaking only cakes are baked until a toothpick comes out dry - not cookies. Unless of course, the recipe specifically says otherwise.

This recipe suggests 20 to 25 minutes. Set your timer for 10 minutes. Now you are going to switch the pans around by exchange places and reversing them.
In other words, take out a pan grab it at the back end with the other hand - one movement.
With the now free hand take out the other sheet and put the first pan you took out onto the shelf where the 2nd pan was. That first pan is now on a different shelf and the end that was at the back is now in the front.
With your now free hand grab the 2nd pan by the end that was originally at the back of the oven and put in on the shelf that had held the 1st pan.
Set your timer for 8 minutes - peek at the cookies. If they are starting to brown around the edges and "look" dry in their centers, remove them or give them another minute or so. It rather depends on how big they are. I would have to say never more than another 5 minutes or they will be too dry and hard.

Holding the dough over night in the fridge is fine but certainly not until you've added the chips (or chunks, whichever you use).

I linked that recipe as it was the first I pulled up without having to run to the pantry to find a bag of chips. I usually use the recipe on the bag of chocolate chips itself as I don't care for "chunks".

Trying a recipe randomly found online is dangerous. Stick with Brand names and or chefs you've heard of, even look at some of the recipes posted here. We help each other out if we've made a mistake in our recipes somehow.

Let us know if you try again and how they turn out. I think you'll be pleased with yourself. 😁
sure the choc chip ones i made started from this cookie base recipe i found online.
- 1.5 cups of ap flour
- 1/2 cup of unsalted butter
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1 egg
- probably like 1/2 to 1 tsp of salt honestly cant remember
then i added chocolate chip after letting the dough chill in the fridge overnight which screwed me over because it becamne tough to mix in the chocolate chips afterwards. Then i baked them on a dark grey baking sheet and a black one white small white spots on it it might have been a non stick one with that type of design. they were baked at 350 until the toothpick came out dry. But they became pretty hard/crunchy. Hope this helped.
Looking at those proportions of ingredients, I would have guessed those would end up thin, and crispy/crunchy, because almost all of those "logs" of cookies I make have similar proportions, except for the flour, which is slightly lower - mine are almost always 1 3/4-2 c, with 1/2 c butter, 1 egg, and 3/4-1 c flour. And to get thicker, softer ones, you'd need more eggs, and more flour, but I rarely make those, as they don't store as well as the thin, crunchy ones.

Speaking of cookies, I have all the ingredients lined up, and ready to make the recipes. Just got 4 lbs of butter out of the freezer, and put in the fridge for tomorrow!
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