What type pan do you use the most?

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Have never done a poached egg in the micro but do all varieties of 'scrambled'.
Was thinking of trying a coddled egg in the micro or the toaster oven. Have never made a coddled egg but it looks scrumptious.
On my 'to do list'.
What type pan do you find that you use the most?

I use a dutch oven for so many things. I have one heavy 5 quart stainless one I use the most and then I have one lightweight nonstick one I use occasionally for like green beans or sometimes a quick saute and noodles dish.

I used to use a deep straight sided fryer skillet for more but I have just found it's easier to stir things if you go ahead and put it in the Dutch oven and don't worry about splattering as much.
I have a lot of heavy pans. I'd like a lighter pan that is good for tossing spaghetti and other pasta for when you make cacio e pepe and pretty much every other pasta dish. Obviously copper and cast iron are out of the question. I sometimes see such pans in various cooking videos on youtube but I can't seem to find any. Could you recommend one for tossing pasta? Other properties are less important. No non-stick coatings.
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Does everyone here have an "egg pan?" That pan you use to cook up a few eggs? I have my small non-stick skillet that is my "egg pan." I use it for other things, but its main task is to cook my scrambled eggs or an omelet.

I do. I have a non-stick pan that is I think about 8 inches across the bottom, but it has curved sides, so it's probably 10 inches in total.
Does everyone here have an "egg pan?" That pan you use to cook up a few eggs? I have my small non-stick skillet that is my "egg pan." I use it for other things, but its main task is to cook my scrambled eggs or an omelet.

Yes. It's just a small tfal non-stick. What makes it good for eggs is there are no brads on the inside surface to interfere with scraping the side.
I see all these beautiful enamel pans, but I can't have anything heavy because of one bad shoulder. My only heavy thing is my old iron skillet.
For the style of cooking i do, I could probably do most things with a good skillet and a mid size saucepan, and those are the two I use most.

Like everyone else here, I have quite an accumulation of pots and pans. But these days, cooking for only 2, I frequently just sear the protein, a quick pan sauce, and a steamed veg or salad. My All Clad 10 inch skillet does the job.
I do have a lot of heavy pots, pans, and skillets. For this reason, I have my "wall of cast iron" where everything hangs on a metal peg board. Also, I opted to put in all drawers in my kitchen rather than shelves in the lower cabinets. I'm getting older, but I simply love what I have. Perhaps one day I will be physically unable to use what I have. Much like losing a molar last year, I will sob when they go.

I don't have a favorite pan, but always cook eggs in the one non-stick skillet that we have. Other than eggs, I don't touch this skillet as I've been threatened within an inch of my life after the infamous "fried okra incident" that led to the discarding of the old non-stick skillet. :rolleyes:
Does everyone here have an "egg pan?" That pan you use to cook up a few eggs? I have my small non-stick skillet that is my "egg pan." I use it for other things, but its main task is to cook my scrambled eggs or an omelet.

The aforementioned scan pan. Eggs, omelets, and everything else fried.
What type pan do you find that you use the most?

I use a dutch oven for so many things. I have one heavy 5 quart stainless one I use the most and then I have one lightweight nonstick one I use occasionally for like green beans or sometimes a quick saute and noodles dish.

I used to use a deep straight sided fryer skillet for more but I have just found it's easier to stir things if you go ahead and put it in the Dutch oven and don't worry about splattering as much.
I have my favorite frying pan. It's small and very light. It just fits one serving of food
Been uesing cast iron and SS, for many years, For thoese of you that use non stick cook were, Google, Dark Waters. To me it is the Erin Brockivitch of the east.
The movie Erin Brockivitch (spelling...) is about the long term poisoning of the ground water near a plant that processed something. In the most general terms, maybe it refers to non stick cook ware that is a slow poisoning of the population. It may not point to any one kind of non stick, maybe all non stick ware from a period of 19?? to 20?? So maybe it is that.
I use either stainless or carbon steel and have 2 cast iron fry pans and a few Le Creuset enameled dutch ovens. I cook eggs in either stainless or carbon with no problem but I do have a designated 8" de buyer that I only use for eggs and never sticks. Not a fan of non stick although like Steve I have an all clad non stick but Angela uses that but have on occasion, which works as advertised.
When they built these apartments, they were too cheap to put in dishwashers. They obviously didn't think long term because they pay for the water, both hot and cold.

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