Where do you keep your air fryer?

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Senior Cook
Jul 19, 2015
My son gave me an air fryer last Christmas, that is, Christmas 2021, but it hasn't been out of the box. This is mainly because there's nowhere to set it, without it being in the way and I doubt if it would fit in a cupboard. Where do you keep yours?

The other problem is finding the time to work out how to use it. The less time I have to spend working out instructions or recipes, the better.

Ours is a toaster oven style. We bought it to replace our toaster oven that died, so it sits on the counter where the TO used to be. It's a little larger, but it fits.

It's not much different from your regular oven. We like it because it's smaller, heats up faster, cooks faster (because of the higher speed fan and more circulation around the food), doesn't heat up the kitchen as much, and turns itself off when the time is up. But the way you use it is similar.

You do have to dedicate some time to figuring out how to make it work for you, but we think it's worth it.
The recipe booklet that comes with it is worthless. You can save space by throwing that in the trash. I use the air fryer to crisp foods that would otherwise sog.

Mine is the basket model. I am concerned about counter top heat damage as it cooks very hot and takes forever to cool after use. It fits on the back simmer burner when used and on the counter next when not used. I have a baker's rack where I could also store it.

The workmanship is horrible quality, I use it for crispy!
My air fryer lives in the appliance graveyard. Has been there for several years. The only thing I have ever used it for is cooking hot dogs, because someone told me that cooking hot dogs in an air fryer makes the dogs taste like they just came off the grill. And she wasn't lying. Air fryer hot dogs are pretty delicious. Other than that, I haven't used it for anything else because I'm used to my own way of cooking things and I'm kind of set in my ways. The air fryer just doesn't fit into my cooking style.
My air fryer lives in the appliance graveyard......
LOL! That's where mine is, too! I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. WHen it was first gifted to me, I tried it 2 or 3 times. It sounds like a tornado. Maybe if I had left the food in longer, it would have been good, but I just couldn't stand the noise. It was worse than the Vitamix.
LOL! That's where mine is, too! I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. WHen it was first gifted to me, I tried it 2 or 3 times. It sounds like a tornado. Maybe if I had left the food in longer, it would have been good, but I just couldn't stand the noise. It was worse than the Vitamix.
Yeah, they're pretty noisy. I didn't mind that too much, though. It was just... well, awkward for me. Mine was gifted to me as well by my late husband, so I had to try it out a few times to see if I liked it or not. But it just never grew on me. It ended up in the store room with the rest of the appliances (some of which I use regularly, some on occasion, some never) and I've just kind of forgotten about it.

Usually when I see conversations about certain appliances that I remember I have in storage, it will entice me to drag them out to try new recipes. But the air fryer, not so much. :LOL:
I would like to thank everyone on this thread - as you have all convinced me that I do not need an air fryer so should stop looking for a small one!
You know, it's funny, I know people who swear by their air fryers and use them pretty much daily. Then you have people like me who just can't get into the groove with them. Mine's a small one, though, and I can't really fit much in there. Like when I would do the hot dogs, I could only fit 4 of them at a time. Maybe if I had a large one and could cook bigger meals (like a batch of fried chicken or fried fish, etc) I would use it more often. But I've just never had the desire to spend the money on another one when I already don't use the one I have.
I will likely get one of the toaster oven style, if my toaster oven quits. But, it's been going strong since I got it as a gift for Yule in 1995. It has convection, so I use it as a sort of air fryer, mostly for store bought French "fries". But, it gets a workout doing other stuff. I imagine an actual air fryer would work even better for stuff like tater tots and fries.
You know, it's funny, I know people who swear by their air fryers and use them pretty much daily. Then you have people like me who just can't get into the groove with them. Mine's a small one, though, and I can't really fit much in there. Like when I would do the hot dogs, I could only fit 4 of them at a time. Maybe if I had a large one and could cook bigger meals (like a batch of fried chicken or fried fish, etc) I would use it more often. But I've just never had the desire to spend the money on another one when I already don't use the one I have.
It sounds like the one you have doesn't meet your needs. The toaster-oven style would probably suit you better, since it's larger and more versatile. But I can understand why you wouldn't want to spend money on it.
It sounds like the one you have doesn't meet your needs. The toaster-oven style would probably suit you better, since it's larger and more versatile. But I can understand why you wouldn't want to spend money on it.
Those toaster oven style ones are nice, but being on a very tight budget, I really can't spend the extra money on something I may or may not use often.
My sister-in-law was given an air fryer for Christmas, and was trying to figure out how to use it. She called me and asked how I used mine. I told her I didn't have one and had no plans to get one. I gave her a link to a site on using air fryers. She read the link, and decided to donate the still-in-the-box air fryer to the local thrift shop. She is a smart lady!
My sister-in-law was given an air fryer for Christmas, and was trying to figure out how to use it. She called me and asked how I used mine. I told her I didn't have one and had no plans to get one. I gave her a link to a site on using air fryers. She read the link, and decided to donate the still-in-the-box air fryer to the local thrift shop. She is a smart lady!
Someone here at DC bought one at a thrift shop, new still in the box. Do you think? One in the same? What are the odds?
That's quite a lot of different experiences and opinions in respect of air fryers. I think before I do anything else, I'm going to have assign a space to mine and do some clearing to make that space available.

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