I had a WSM with and iQue temperature controller in the past. It did a really good job, but still needed some attention to keep the fire steady. It would be fine, until I decided to run to the store or get some sleep. It KNEW when I wasn't watching.I use a weber smokey mountain for warm/hot smoking
And a ProQ smoke generator for cold smoked food
i once bought some smoked Gouda. A very good brand name. Had to throw it out.My favorites are Swiss and Gouda.
i have a problem with long smoking times and here is why . the meat gets dirty , think i'm wrong ? on any smoker take your finger and wipe the inside of the smoke stack , your finger will come back black and covered with soot right ? now think about your meat that has been in all that smoke for all those long hours . at that point you have 2 choices , eat the soot or try to wash it off
the better way is to stop the smoke after 2-3 hours and just let it finish cooking without any additional smoke
your will never know the difference in the way it tastes
It's not the size of the smoker....nice looking smoker !! there have been many time's i wished mine was that big