Chef Extraordinaire
I have been eyeing these Swift Brand Cryovacked Flat Iron steaks in the store for several months, but was always skeptical and just knew they would be enhanced even though there's nothing stated on the labeling at all. Yesterday I went to the store and all the steaks were $11.99lb and the prepacked flat irons were $5.99lb. So me being the cheapskate I am, I decided to try them. I bought two packs that were about 1.30lbs each, both containing 1 flat iron. When I opened the package there was not alot of excess liquid, so I'm happy and my gut so far seems to be right. So I seasoned up with Kosher salt and black pepper and cooked for 3 minutes per side on a cast iron skillet. The steaks got a nice sear, without alot of excess moisture being produced like in enhanced meat.
The moment of truth came when I took my first bite.........It was like butter in my mouth. Extremely tender, lean and juicy with melt in your mouth goodness. Very similar to a sirloin which as you know is my favorite cut, but I think the sirloin had more beefy flavor.
Overall I was extremely happy and I think it's a great value as well. Next time you're in the store and you see 'Swift Flat Iron Steaks' I would highly recommend giving them a try. I've never had a Flat Iron before, so I don't know how they compare to a fresh butcher cut Flat Iron, but I loved these. I will try to get one from my butcher next trip and see!
Sorry, I didn't take pic's as I did not think the meal would be worthy....
The moment of truth came when I took my first bite.........It was like butter in my mouth. Extremely tender, lean and juicy with melt in your mouth goodness. Very similar to a sirloin which as you know is my favorite cut, but I think the sirloin had more beefy flavor.
Overall I was extremely happy and I think it's a great value as well. Next time you're in the store and you see 'Swift Flat Iron Steaks' I would highly recommend giving them a try. I've never had a Flat Iron before, so I don't know how they compare to a fresh butcher cut Flat Iron, but I loved these. I will try to get one from my butcher next trip and see!
Sorry, I didn't take pic's as I did not think the meal would be worthy....