Yesterday I got Greek yellow kiwis and I was not impressed

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021
i like greece but there is a difference between the yellow kiwis from there to the yellow kiwis from new zealand it's "sky and earth" difference..

the greek yellow wiki is not tasty at all and a bit salty too in my experience..

i will have to wait for the israeli summer when they import kiwis from new zealand..

i wish it was different..

talking of fruits..
have you heard of ORRI oranges and clementines? at peak season they are awsome..

i remember many years ago a local vegan that used to live abroad said that the produce in israel compared to the usa is so different in favor to the israeli produce..

now i understand what she meant.
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Next time in the grocers I'll check to see if the mandarin oranges are listed as "Orri" type mandarins. never really thought about different varieties in mandarins. LSNED (lol - learn something new every day!)
here is how the label looks like in israel


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now is the time of year that they sell big clementines that are almost seedless.


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