Best brand of bottled orange juice

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
I know that this gets tricky. They can make orange juice taste like orange juice when it really isn't. Go ahead and inform me which brand you think is the best.
I like the Simply Orange brand, myself. Tropicana Pure Premium is pretty good, too.

They are both blends of multiple orange juices. That is the only way they can maintain a consistent flavor over time, all year around.

I like mine with "Some Pulp," but you can get a lot of pulp, or no pulp versions.

I've always gone with Tropicana. It's my go to orange juice. I haven't tasted many other brands, soIm not sure how it compares. I try to stay away from store brands, as I've had few stinkers over the years, so I stick to what I know I like and is consistently good. I do like some pulp.
When I buy orange juice I get the individual lunch packs. As I drink so little of it anything else has a tendency to go "fizzy" on me.
I just eat an orange. But when I did purchase while raising the family it was always frozen concentrate and which ever one was on sale.
Later for myself, it was always the heart healthy but no added sugars. Oranges have enough natural sugars on their own.
Brand was never an issue, although yes, some were more tasty than others. Have no idea which ones they were now though.
All are very expensive. and yup, so are the oranges.
I only buy Florida's Own because it is the only national orange juice maker that uses only US-grown fruit. The others use oranges from Mexico and Brazil as well as Florida oranges. Some grocery stores here have their own commercial grade juicer and make their own juice from California oranges right in the store.
I stay away from sugar in a glass, it's a health concern I can't ignore. Aside from that, just squeeze some fresh.
I keep some frozen Minute Maid concentrated O.J. in the freezer. The idea is to scoop some out to add to cooking that calls for O.J. or to give something a bit of orange flavour. After seeing how many oranges it takes to make a glass of oj from fresh juice oranges, I decided to just eat oranges and keep all that extra sugar out of my diet.
before i became diabetic i used to drink the kind with calcium and vitamins added. dh said it tasted like zinc
I get Indian River Select - Valencia. I'm not sure if you can get it outside of Florida. I live near Tropicana. It sure STINKS when you drive by. But they do import much of their juice from other countries.
I stay away from sugar in a glass, it's a health concern I can't ignore. Aside from that, just squeeze some fresh.

Honestly, I expected at least one person to say what you just Said.

Maybe in your world, there are plenty of really good fresh oranges to buy and squeeze at the grocery store, every day, of every week, of every year. Where live, we have Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit available all year long. and they are the best grapefruit on the planet. But, grocery store oranges are hit and miss.

You can buy OJ that has added sugar, but if you take the time and spend a bit more money to buy it., you can get some decent OJ, too. If you offer enough money to Gordon Ramsay, he'd probably endorse some sugar in a glass. But, for normals like me, I'm able to pick out some bottled OJ that isn't going to kill me.

Honestly, I expected at least one person to say what you just Said.

Maybe in your world, there are plenty of really good fresh oranges to buy and squeeze at the grocery store, every day, of every week, of every year. Where live, we have Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit available all year long. and they are the best grapefruit on the planet. But, grocery store oranges are hit and miss.

You can buy OJ that has added sugar, but if you take the time and spend a bit more money to buy it., you can get some decent OJ, too. If you offer enough money to Gordon Ramsay, he'd probably endorse some sugar in a glass. But, for normals like me, I'm able to pick out some bottled OJ that isn't going to kill me.

Yeah, we have decent oranges. I use to drink tropicana back in the day.
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California is famous for their Vanencias. You can buy a big bag for a buck from a homeless guy at just about any freeway off ramp. Those poor homeless guys selling oranges are pulling down six figures a year, tax free!
I think what people fail to realize is that a 1 cup serving of orange juice is ;not the equivalent of one orange but more. Depending on the brand it could be even more than 2. this is insofar as calories and other nutrients one orange couild supply.

Growing up we had what we called "juice glasses" which might have held 6 oz to the very brim but was probably filled to about 4 or 5 oz. People are now drinking huge glasses.

I love grapefruit but a bit on the expensive side. I watch for specials. LOL also 'back in the day' once the grapefruit was halved it was served sprinkled with sugar!

Look up the nutritional comparison of an orange and a grapefruit.... and which one is better?
I think what people fail to realize is that a 1 cup serving of orange juice is ;not the equivalent of one orange but more. Depending on the brand it could be even more than 2. this is insofar as calories and other nutrients one orange couild supply.

Growing up we had what we called "juice glasses" which might have held 6 oz to the very brim but was probably filled to about 4 or 5 oz. People are now drinking huge glasses.

I love grapefruit but a bit on the expensive side. I watch for specials. LOL also 'back in the day' once the grapefruit was halved it was served sprinkled with sugar!

Look up the nutritional comparison of an orange and a grapefruit.... and which one is better?
Back in the day in our house it was frozen concentrate and later when I was on my own I bought tropicana, I liked the taste but drinking orange juice wasn't a ritual and probably bought tropicana, maybe twice a year, my sweet tooth where desserts and I indulged a lot, too much and paying for it now though.

Yeah, I remember as a kid in the 50's and 60's where a 6.5 oz bottle of pop was a serving and now kids jump at the opportunity for a 30oz big gulp.

I was never a big fruit guy, unless it was in a pie but never really bought fruit on a regular basis. Now with my diet I do like to buy blueberries however and add to a salad or some really decent full fat plain yogurt. Blueberries don't effect my blood sugar very much or at all which works out ok for me and the fact that there isn't much in fruit that you can't get somewhere else.
I think what people fail to realize is that a 1 cup serving of orange juice is ;not the equivalent of one orange but more. Depending on the brand it could be even more than 2. this is insofar as calories and other nutrients one orange couild supply.

Growing up we had what we called "juice glasses" which might have held 6 oz to the very brim but was probably filled to about 4 or 5 oz. People are now drinking huge glasses.

I love grapefruit but a bit on the expensive side. I watch for specials. LOL also 'back in the day' once the grapefruit was halved it was served sprinkled with sugar!

Look up the nutritional comparison of an orange and a grapefruit.... and which one is better?
We had juice glasses too!

They came from Armour Star dried beef and SauSea shrimp cocktail! 🤭



I used to buy Wegman’s refrigerated orange or grapefruit juice.

These days, as a concession to diabetes, I have a mandarin orange or a glass of V-8.
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