Bringing in the curry tree first, 10-8

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Master Chef
Nov 21, 2018
Woodbury, NJ
I got quite a bit done today, including trimming my curry tree way back, and cleaning up the fabric pot, to bring it inside to my back porch. Since the curry tree is less cold tolerant than any of the others, I wanted to get that inside, before starting anything else. Eventually, I might trim a little more - from the tallest, if new growth appears below. I didn't pick the seeds this year; in fact, I didn't even see these or I would have pulled them early.
Seeds (actually, the fruits, with one seed each) of the curry tree, 10-8 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Curry tree, before trimming, to bring inside. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Trimmed branches from the curry tree, 10-8 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished trimming the curry tree... maybe. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Does your tree lose a lot of it's leaves when you bring it in? Mine does ok for awhile, but then 'sheds' a lot. It always comes back, but I feel like Im stressing the heck out of it. Any suggestions on how to reduce the impact on the tree ?
My Bougainvillea always shed horribly when I brought it in but would come back and bloom like crazy once trimmed. Sadly, one of my favourite plants, it didn't make the move. I would love to get another but have no place for it.
I'm sure it was stressed, but conversely don't think it was a bad thing. I'm sure it benefitted from the trimming and the rebloom seemed, to me, to be in agreement.
My curry tree sheds quite a bit, even though I do trim a lot from it. While it's shedding, at the same time it starts getting a lot of new growth! If it seems to get much more shedding through the winter, I trim a bunch back from it, and it seems to slow it.
I am also in the middle of setting up a place to over winter several plants. My main concerns are the 3 beautiful Bay Laurel and some of my wifes perennial flowers.
I lost two Giant Sequoia last winter. And a couple others. They were under cover but the containers must have froze. Thats what I'm thinking happened.

I have cleaned up my basement and have a bench about 20' long with existing LED lighting over it. 8 foot fixtures hanging. Seems like a perfect place. The basement never gets below 50° either. They are standard LED. I'm not sure if I need to get LED 8' grow tubes? They are quite expensive and it seems the standard LED is close to full spectrum? And suggestions appreciated.
I will also need to prune the bay as its a bit to tall. I guess thats okay to?
And I have installed a 24 hour timer on those fixtures as well. All I have to do now is a bit of wiring arrangement as I had 2 fixtures on one switch and 1 on its own switch. Then program the timer. I plan to mimic natural daylight hours. Does that sound okay?

Dave, you might want to try rooting the cuttings in vermiculite. It was the medium we used in school. It allows more air into the rooting zone and may help you. But you will need to keep them moist. And that will be the challenge. The vermiculite will dry out much faster than potting soil. Are you using a soil less potting mixture now?
oh...I highly suggest powdered rooting hormone. Just dip the wet stem well into hormone and make a hole in the medium with your finger and gently pack the vermiculite around the stem.
Also make sure the cutting has been cut off clean. Cut with a sharp cutting instrument.
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I can vouch for the rooting hormone. Used it several times with various plants and always a success, even though I'm not the most consistent nor attentive gardener.
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