Desperation food vs. delicacies

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Chef Extraordinaire
May 9, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
This was shared in another food group I belong to. Thought it was funny and telling [emoji16]

It reminds me of James Michener's book "Poland," which describes a feast day where whole animals were slaughtered and who got what parts. The lord and his family and guests got the best cuts, like the loins; his household servants got tougher parts like the shoulders and chuck; and the tenants got the rest - feet, tails, intestines and whatever scraps were left over. He described a tenant's wife painstakingly, and gratefully, grinding, seasoning and stuffing those parts into the intestines to make sausage. Now, we have artisan butchers who make various flavors of sausage which sell for the same price as beef tenderloin.
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The title of this thread reminds me of Saami bark bread. Saami have been using bark in bread for a very long time. Swedes and Norwegians only ate bark in times of famine. You have to know which parts of the bark to eat to get any nutrition out of it.
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