Earthquake NJ and NY

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I was wondering how @larry_stewart was surviving the earthquake.
I checked at about 6ish tonight and he was online(on this site) but hasn't posted anywhere, so maybe things weren't so 'okay' with him and his family? I know he is in NY. I hope they are fine as well as anyone in NY, NJ, and upper CA. Be well and safe, sending good thoughts your way.
I was wondering how @larry_stewart was surviving the earthquake.
I checked at about 6ish tonight and he was online(on this site) but hasn't posted anywhere, so maybe things weren't so 'okay' with him and his family? I know he is in NY. I hope they are fine as well as anyone in NY, NJ, and upper CA. Be well and safe, sending good thoughts your way.
Thanks for thinking of me.
I was at work, sitting in a chair at the time. I was alone in a room and felt 3 jolts spaced about 1 second apart. Nothing crazy, but nothing I really ever felt before . It was almost like an internal jolt, kinda like that internal feeling you get when you're on a roller coaster ( not as extreme). After the first one I looked down, then after the second 2 I kinda looked around the room ( all by instinct as no one else was in the room, so I was trying t figure out how I was being jolted alone in a room). Some things that went through my mind was a large ruck driving by, a low flying helicopter or once, we had an elderly gentleman loose control of his car and crash into ihefront of the building). All of this went through my mind in those few seconds I felt it.
I poked my head out of the door and looked down the hallway to see if anyone else felt anything. Everything looked normal, so I assumed it was just me, and finished doing what I was doing. A few minutes later, I got up and started walking down the hall, and a few people said to me " Did you feel that ? Didd you feel anything ..?). But not everyone. It seems the people sitting felt it more than those that were standing. I then texted my wife to ask if there was anything on the news, like an earthquake or something, and explained what I had felt. Right as I asked her, she said the mention a quake felt as far south as Philly. IIt was kind of the talk of the office, as it is very rare to get an earthquake of that size (4.8) here. usually they are in the 2's or less, and undetectable to the average person.
It's all they were talking about on the news for the rest of the day. As of now, other than a few houses in Jersey, there was no obvious damage. They sent crews to inspect tunnels, bridges and other vital structures to make sure there was no damage. An emergency alert went off like an 1 1/2 hours after it happened ( glad it was nothing too serious, cause and hour and a half is a long time to be sitting through an emergency before being noted) I heard within 1/2 hour of the quake, some guy already printed up T-Shirts reading " I survived the NYC earthquake April 5th, 2024" with a picture of the NY Skyline.

So good news s Im still alive and kicking. And fortunately to some, and unfortunately to others, you'll still be getting my posts about Vegetarian cooking, Gardening and Mushrooms. ;)


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