First outdoor plantings for 2020

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Master Chef
Nov 21, 2018
Woodbury, NJ
This is on March 5th, which is before I usually start the seeds indoors!! This winter has been incredibly mild here.

Almost all brassicas, but also some lettuce, as well as a bunch of leeks. I first started a few of the greens in two Jr Earthboxes (things I use for windowsill boxes around my deck) two days before, but had to stop there, as it started raining.
3 types of lettuce, and red streaked mizuna, in a Jr EB, 3-3-20 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Red dragon napa and red streaked mizuna, in a Jr EB, 3-3-20 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I first harvested the over-wintered kohlrabi, though they weren't very large (I left the smallest, to see if it will grow), and the inner row of scallions, to make room for the seedlings in the bed - a bunch of leeks, 4 lettuce, 2 red dragon napa, 2 red streaked mizuna, 4 fioretto cauliflower, 7 kolibri and 2 grand duke kohlrabi, 2 kokatsuna, and 1 senposai. I also planted 4 of a cauliflower mix in the ground - things that did not do well, both for germination %, and growth, so I am not holding out much hope for those.

Early started greens and leeks, planted in the raised bed. 3-5-20 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Bed with early greens, covered with Agribon. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Similar situation up here in NY.
Its been so mild that ive been outside most days in February cleaning up and getting the garden ready.

Recently we've had a few mid 50's - 60 degree days, so I figured what the heck, all I got to lose is a few bucks in seeds, so I planted some lettuce and pea seeds under some make shif cold frame/ row covers.

Began the transition of some of my hardier house plants to the garage.

My arugula and kale have been exposed to the elements with no protection all winter and although no growth, still pickable and edible.

2 cabbages that are under row covers and have kinda hibernated, Not sure what will happen as it gets warmer, if they will pick up where they left off or go to seed.

Also, some of my most successful squash / melon years at the ones that self planted from the compost and grew, so I planted some spaghetti squash, butternut and a few melon seeds with the hope that they will germinate when Mother Nature feels fit and ill transplant them where I want them once semi established.

Carrots, beets , spinach and chard are on the on deck circle and onion sets should arrive later in the month. most everything else will have to wait til may.

Will be starting some choice tomato plants by seed in the basement, but usually most other things I get seedlings for and won't be available for awhile
Looks great! I've got animal trouble to figure out this year. Always had lots of birds but now skunk, rabbit, squirrel, and opossum that love my yard. Neighbor behind me got the groundhog.
Looks great! I've got animal trouble to figure out this year. Always had lots of birds but now skunk, rabbit, squirrel, and opossum that love my yard. Neighbor behind me got the groundhog.
Sounds like you need a good fence, maybe with a top. I have a neighbor who raises chickens. He keeps them out of his gardens that way.
Checked under the make - shift cold frames today. Peas are about 1 -2 inches high, Lettuce have their first 2 sets of leaves. Kinda of excited , cause usually I dont have luck this early in the season.

Rhubarb just popped their heads up a few small leaves
Strawberries starting to leaf up.
Arrugula (From last year) looks like its going to seed, but still picking leaves off for salads
Cabbage and possibly Brussel sprout survived the winter under some protectiion. They look healthy, just not sure if they will continue to develop or go to seed. Guess Ill find out, but they need to make top their mind quickly cause they are in my string beans spot. So comes May, they get picked no matter what.

Prepared more beds with Compost, compost from the chicken run ( which has been vacant for 3 months since the raccoons found their way into the run then into the coop.
Getting ready to build more raised beds. Arugala is still going from July. trying to get seeds from half of it. We also have beets going good, but no real root, just greens, which I like better anyway.
It's 70+ F here now. My peach trees are now in bloom. I planted flower seed
in peat pots yesterday and put them in the plastic boxes I save from fresh spinach etc. So in 7 to 15 days they should sprout and in a month possibly be
ready to transplant into the porch boxes.

But we generally don't put things into the ground here until May 10 which is after the last possible frost.

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