How to make non spicy healthy mustard or at least very little spice

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I never considered making my own mustard. I am going to make it!
If you haven't already, take a look at the article I posted above. It describes the chemistry of making mustard with different liquids and types of seeds, and includes several recipes. And yes, let us know how it turns out.
Im probably going to join the " Make your own mustard club" too. As long as I have time tomorrow, its on my list of things to do. Last time I tried it was a disaster.
I did some price comparisons of buying mustard seeds, yellow. I ended up buying them at the grocery store (instead of amazon or penzeys). The seeds were 99 cents for 5 ounces which is about a cup. The ground mustard was also that price at the grocery store, a good deal.
This is the recipe I use, for dijon. I use all yellow mustard seeds and yellow ground mustard. The only change I make is I can it in a waterbath canner. It's not spicy but it takes a week before it is not spicy--the mellowing happens during that week. I use it all the time.

Just started the mustard making process.

Im up to the point where I added the mustard seeds, mustard powder, salt and garlic powder.

In the video it says to let it sit for a a few days. Is that at room temperature?
Larry, yes room temperature.
Notes about the recipe:
He uses a hand blender, which I've done, it doesn't get very smooth (which is fine if that is what you like). This last time I put it in the blender and I love it that way, it was much smoother.

You know the part at the end where you boil it and add water, if needed. I end up adding more than what is prescribed. I end up with more jars than 4 pints. I'm just telling you so that when you get to that part, you have enough jars available if you add more water.
Salt as needed for taste.
Larry, yes room temperature.
Notes about the recipe:
He uses a hand blender, which I've done, it doesn't get very smooth (which is fine if that is what you like). This last time I put it in the blender and I love it that way, it was much smoother.

You know the part at the end where you boil it and add water, if needed. I end up adding more than what is prescribed. I end up with more jars than 4 pints. I'm just telling you so that when you get to that part, you have enough jars available if you add more water.
Salt as needed for taste.

Thanks for the heads up.
I'll keep you posted if I run into trouble :)
Silly question, why bother with mustard, or horseradish for that matter, if it's not spicy?

Mustard seeds are fairly high fat and create an emulsion (like mayo for you), and they have this lovely mustardy flavor that doesn't have to be spicy. It can be smooth and creamy and just the tiniest bit astringent.

It can be used as a vehicle (as mayo often is), for spice, or tailored to be hot on its own. I use it to make up a buffalo hot sauce on occasion.

For more richness, tahini can be added, and for more tangy-ness more vinegar. Anything high in salt, sugar, or spice can overwhelm the gentle flavor of mustard flavor itself deadening the taste buds to the mustard flavor.
Mustard seeds are fairly high fat and create an emulsion (like mayo for you), and they have this lovely mustardy flavor that doesn't have to be spicy. It can be smooth and creamy and just the tiniest bit astringent.

It can be used as a vehicle (as mayo often is), for spice, or tailored to be hot on its own. I use it to make up a buffalo hot sauce on occasion.

For more richness, tahini can be added, and for more tangy-ness more vinegar. Anything high in salt, sugar, or spice can overwhelm the gentle flavor of mustard flavor itself deadening the taste buds to the mustard flavor.

How interesting. Thank you. :)

Hi, thanks for all who responded. I won't be making home made mustard now since I was planning to eat it everyday as someone here was telling me basicly thats that is not healthy or at least for the teeth. Mabey all consider making it on the weakened for desert with something
I hope you didn't mis-construe what I said! If you're makig a sandwich and use it as a spread for flavour - I certainly don't think that is unhealthy.

to quote a few previous statements:

"But I honestly don't think it will do much harm if eaten in a normal way."

All in moderation with normal daily oral home care wont do much /. if any damage.

You eat mustard as a dessert?
Hi, thanks for all who responded. I won't be making home made mustard now since I was planning to eat it everyday as someone here was telling me basicly thats that is not healthy or at least for the teeth. Mabey all consider making it on the weakened for desert with something
Larry is a dentist and he basically said that as long as you do normal daily oral care, it's unlikely to create a problem. Do you eat anything else that's acidic, like citrus or other fruit juice or vinegar? There's not much difference between those and mustard.
Anything really hard could crack a tooth

Anything Acidic will wear away enamel over time ( making it more susceptible to cavities, fracture, and at the very least , increased sensitivity )

Anything sticky will increase the risk of cavities

All in moderation with normal daily oral home care wont do much /. if any damage.

***Everyone is different so some may be more at risk than others***
Now the waiting begins.
Looks good.


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Cool! What matters most is the taste and texture.

Did you give it a little taste? Mine tasted horrible straight out of the pan without aging it.
Cool! What matters most is the taste and texture.

Did you give it a little taste? Mine tasted horrible straight out of the pan without aging it.

Yeah, I wasn't impressed, but the guy kept stressing not to taste it and give it a good week.

I tried making mustard once before and it tasted baad, but I think I didnt give it time to sit and mellow out.

hopefully in time Ill be praising it.
I brush my teeth twice a day, once in the morning after breakfast and once after dinner with flossing. I don't brush after launch.

I eat cherry tomatoes with my food wich apparently is acidic to the teeth based on a article I read on the net. I can post that article here if you want to see it, I saved it in my bookmarks.

@dragn law
The mustard is not for sandwich spread but is for what I eat everyday which is a version of the Mediterranean food called the red bean barley recipe. I add a little bit of parmesan cheese and salt with each 3 servings I have a day for flavor and also add the cheese for healthy fat since the body needs a little fat. Its no more then 2000 celeries a day or around 2000 calories a day
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dcnewbie, having just looked at that recipe, I truly don't think 1 tsp of mustard a day, twice a day, or even 3 times a day will affect your teeth.
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